Work and Volunteering > Honours and Awards
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 records

Honours & Awards Secretariat
The ministry organizes a series of annual awards programs to recognize outstanding professional and volunteer contributions to Ontario. These awards promote responsible citizenship by publicly saluting those who have made exceptional contributions to the common good.
Source: Government of Ontario. Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration.

The Lieutenant Governor's Awards
Ontario's Lieutenant Governors have established several awards to recognize outstanding citizens in fields of interest to them.
Source: Government of Ontario. Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.

The Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship
The Government of Ontario established the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship to recognize people who, through exceptional long-term efforts, have made outstanding contributions to the well being of their communities. Their assistance is given without expectation of remuneration or reward.
Source: Government of Ontario. Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration.

Senior Achievement Award
The Ontario Senior Achievement Award is presented to twenty individuals annually. The purpose of the award is to recognize and honour outstanding seniors who, after age 65, have made significant contributions to their communities.
Source: Government of Ontario.

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 records