Travel and Leisure > Gardening
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 records

Ontario Heritage Foundation - Heritage garden conservancy
The Garden Conservancy Program is designed to identify and promote awareness of significant historic landscapes and to conserve important examples of heritage gardens, civic spaces and cultural landscapes.
Source: Government of Ontario. Ontario Heritage Foundation.

Pursuing Life's Best After Retirement - The Outdoors
There are few places that can compare with Ontario's great outdoors, from small city parks to tree-lined streets, to the magnificent north and our unrivalled provincial parks. This Web page gives information to help you learn more about our outdoor wealth.
Source: Government of Ontario

Banish February blues with bulbs
Between the holiday season and the first melt of spring Canadians can begin to feel shut in and surrounded by shades of grey. One way to banish the "drearies" from your home and mind is to start a garden indoors. Forcing some bulbs will give you a taste of summer gardening as well as providing your home with a splash of living colour.

Gardening - Prepare for Seed Starting
How do you satisfy the gardening itch in the middle of winter? Easily! Start plants from seed. Now is a great time to get a jumpstart on the gardening season. Just a little preparation will help ensure you seed starting success.
Source: Pioneer Thinking

Gardening Information
Frequently asked gardening questions answered by the Royal Botanical Gardens. If this page does not answer your question, contact information is provided so you can ask.
Source: Royal Botanical Gardens

Indoor seeding : Horticultural leaflet
This Web page gives information on indoor seeding. Growing seedlings indoors has many advantages.
Source: Montreal Botanical Garden

Royal Botanical Gardens
The mission of the Royal Botanical Gardens is to be a living museum which serves local, regional and global communities while developing and promoting public understanding of the relationship between the plant world, humanity and the rest of nature.
Source: Royal Botanical Gardens

Royal Botanical Gardens - Educational Activities
Our experts offer close to 250 courses, workshops and activities each year. From alternative gardening to birdwatching, and healthy herbs to fantastic floral designs, our courses offer something for everyone at every level of experience.
Source: Royal Botanical Gardens

Water-Saving Tips for Your Lawn and Garden
Often water is applied inefficiently, resulting in significant waste due to over watering, evaporation or run-off.  Here are some general watering tips to avoid such waste.
Source: Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

Showing 1 to 9 of 9 records