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Ontario Trillium Foundation Honours 25 Organizations at 25th Anniversary Great Grants Awards Celebration

Toronto, November 1, 2007 – To celebrate 25 years of grantmaking, the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) recognized today 25 great not-for-profit organizations from across Ontario for the impact they have made in their communities thanks to funding from OTF.

OTF’s 25th Anniversary Great Grants Awards highlight the achievements of 25 organizations from more than ten thousand groups that have received Foundation grants over the past 25 years. These organizations have exemplified excellence, innovation and leadership in building healthy communities across the province.

"This is a celebration of the remarkable achievements of tens of thousands of Ontario Trillium Foundation grantee organizations -- not-for-profit groups and volunteers who have enriched, enabled and animated Ontario's communities over the last 25 years,â€? said Helen Burstyn, Chair, OTF Board of Directors. 

“Looking forward, it is clear that the vigour of the community organizations and the dedication of their supporters will be more important than ever before,� said L. Robin Cardozo, OTF Chief Executive Officer. “We feel privileged to have the opportunity to support the work of leading organizations like the ones we honoured today. Their contributions help us build healthy and vibrant communities in Ontario.�

“In keeping with our tradition of trailblazing, OTF is launching a new series of funding initiatives on our 25th anniversary,â€? said Ms. Burstyn. “OTF is already the leading funder of environmental not-for-profit groups in the province, and our new ‘Future Fund’ will focus on strengthening environmental organizations further by supporting innovation in the sector, and by encouraging collaboration between established and emerging groups on environmental projects.  We will also be boosting our capital grants program to provide additional assistance to the many not-for-profit organizations that rely on and benefit from this support.â€?

The OTF 25th Anniversary Great Grants Awards winners are:

Category: 25th Anniversary Awards
Category: OTF Province-Wide Program Awards
Category: Community Program Awards
Category: CEO Award
Category: Bluma Appel Award
Category: Board Chair’s Award

Category:  25th Anniversary Awards

Linda Stebbins, CEO of the Alzheimer Society of Ontario and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Linda Stebbins, CEO of the Alzheimer Society of Ontario and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Alzheimer Society of Ontario (ASO), Toronto and province-wide
In 1986, OTF granted the organization nearly $2.5 million over five years to help establish new chapters across the province, strengthen the existing chapters, raise public awareness about the disease and set up a provincial office.

Over the course of the grant, ASO served the community with family counselling, respite care services and outreach programs. Chapters developed resource centres, newsletters, family support groups and 18 chapters introduced wandering patient registries. Amazing success was achieved in fundraising with ASO raising over $11 million to continue its work.  Today ASO is a vital resource for Ontarians affected by Alzheimer disease and related disorders.

Darryl Dickson, Community Member, (centre) Carl MacMillian, Community Leader (left) and colleague (right) from L’Arche Daybreak Richmond Hill accept the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Darryl Dickson, Community Member, (centre) Carl MacMillian, Community Leader (left) and colleague (right) from L’Arche Daybreak Richmond Hill accept the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

L’Arche Daybreak Richmond Hill

Founded by Dr. Jean Vanier, L’Arche is an international group of communities that welcomes people with intellectual disabilities and the assistants who share life with them.

In 1992, OTF granted the group $155,100 over two years to purchase an accessible van and new computer system. As well, the grant assisted in launching a pilot project called “Building Bridges,� which helped expand the volunteer base both for L’Arche Daybreak members and the larger community. Another important aspect of the grant was to help L’Arche develop its fundraising capacity.

Today, L’Arche Daybreak Richmond Hill continues to thrive with eight houses and its own community centre. It is a dynamic example of how people of different intellectual capacities, social origins and culture can live and learn together.

Thiva Paramsothy of the Canadian Tamil Youth Development Centre and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Thiva Paramsothy of the Canadian Tamil Youth Development Centre and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Canadian Tamil Youth Development Centre (CanTYD), Toronto
In 1996, OTF established a short-term granting program called Get Up! Stand Up!, to increase youth leadership and involvement in local communities. In 1999, the Canadian Tamil Youth Development Centre, a newly formed organization in Toronto, received a grant of $10,000 over eight months.
Today, CanTYD is a strong presence in the Tamil community. Since 1998, CanTYD has grown from a 17-member organization to a centre with more than 300 volunteers. The Awards of Excellence and the radio show continue to engage Tamil youth. With the tremendous support of the community at large, CanTYD remains a leader assisting newcomers to Canada and empowering youth.

Freda Hannah, Past President of The Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities and the Self-Help Resource Centre of Greater Toronto and a colleague from the Self-Help Resource Centre of Greater Toronto (centre), accepts the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Freda Hannah, Past President of The Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities and the Self-Help Resource Centre of Greater Toronto and a colleague from the Self-Help Resource Centre of Greater Toronto (centre), accepts the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities and Self Help Resources Centre of Greater Toronto
Founded by a small group of people in 1980, the Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities helps improve the quality of life for residents in long-term care facilities. In 1987, the Self-Help Resource Centre of Greater Toronto (SHRC) incorporated to increase awareness of self-help among caregivers and professionals. Together, these two organizations received an OTF grant of $75,000 in 1997 to develop a means for families with loved ones in long-term care to speak on their behalf.

After 27 years of patient advocacy and incremental successes, both organizations have made an enormous difference. Among one of the Concerned Friend’s successes was to influence amendments to the Nursing Homes Act to include the Bill of Rights for Residents.

Don Adams, CEO of Esteem Team Association and colleague (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Don Adams, CEO of Esteem Team Association and colleague (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Esteem Team Association, Ottawa 
Established in 1994 in British Columbia, the Esteem Team Association is dedicated to youth development through sport, education and community involvement. Its goal is to engage and empower students to make positive and healthy life choices for themselves and in their homes, schools and community.

OTF recognized the power of example to inspire youth and in 2002 granted the Association $498,500 over three years to build on its athlete role model program and develop new presentation materials. Over 150,000 appreciative young Ontarians had the chance to hear sports heroes share their inspiring stories. The team’s hopeful message also reached out to remote aboriginal communities and children with disabilities. 

Cheryl Ewing From eyeGO to the Arts accepts the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Cheryl Ewing From eyeGO to the Arts accepts the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

eyeGO to the Arts, Waterloo/Wellington area

When community leaders in the Waterloo/Wellington area wondered how to engage the next generation of art goers, they consulted directly with youth. In response to the feedback received, eyeGO to the Arts was born with a commitment to offer high school students an experience of the arts at a price they could afford. In 2000, OTF awarded the group $180,000 over three years to establish its organization.

By working with the artistic community, eyeGO secured five dollar, best-seating available tickets to arts performances for students. As a result, students experienced artistic and cultural events they may not have otherwise been able to attend. Students enjoyed live theatre, music, dance, musical theatre and spoken word performances. Today, with help from another OTF grant, eyeGO to the Arts is expanding its successful program into 38 new communities.

Tim Jones, President and CEO of Artscape and colleague and colleague Kathleen Sharpe, President of the Board of Directors, Artscape (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award on behalf of The Gibraltar Point Centre for the Arts from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Tim Jones, President and CEO of Artscape and colleague and colleague Kathleen Sharpe, President of the Board of Directors, Artscape (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award on behalf of The Gibraltar Point Centre for the Arts from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Gibraltar Point Centre for the Arts – Artscape, Toronto

The Gibraltar Point Centre for the Arts formed when a committed group of Toronto Island residents contacted Artscape with a plan to save a beloved Toronto Island school slated for demolition. In 1999, with the help of an OTF $150,000 grant over three years, Artscape transformed the school into a world renowned centre for artists from Ontario, Canada and afar. The Gibraltar Centre for the Arts is also a multi-use space for charitable and not-for-profit groups to immerse themselves in a creative, peaceful environment. 

Thanks to help from OTF, creative minds now have an affordable place to think, experiment and share ideas.

Doug Keller-Hobson, Chair of the Board for Hope Air, and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Doug Keller-Hobson, Chair of the Board for Hope Air, and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Hope Air, North York

In 1986, Joan Rogers and Jinnie Bradshaw founded Hope Air (then called Mission Air Transportation Network) to help ensure that no Canadian was denied medical care because of an inability to afford air travel. In its first year, a team of volunteers arranged 56 free passenger flights on regular commercial airlines or corporate aircraft to areas not well served by commercial airlines.

In 1990, OTF granted the group $30,000 to produce a series of bilingual marketing materials and to help augment its donation program. The new marketing materials promoted awareness of the service. The program took off and by 1993 the number of flights soared to 2,357. The chance of obtaining a donated flight for those needing medical attention was almost guaranteed.  Since its inception, Hope Air has provided over 50,000 flights to Canadians in need.

Accepting the award on the behalf of Chief Vernon Morris of Muskrat Dam First Nation is Ontario Trillium Foundation Director of Grant Operations, Patricia Else. The award was presented by (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Accepting the award on the behalf of Chief Vernon Morris of Muskrat Dam First Nation is Ontario Trillium Foundation Director of Grant Operations, Patricia Else. The award was presented by (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Muskrat Dam First Nation, located north of Sioux Lookout

Founded on traditional lands in 1966, Muskrat Dam First Nation is located 320 kilometres north of Sioux Lookout. In 1995, with an OTF grant of $60,000, Muskrat Dam, population 300, created a community-led social development strategy to protect their traditional way of life.   

In 1995, four workshops attracted strong participation from all community members, including elders and young people.  Community dialogues in forgiveness, anger management and on raising loving children bonded the members even further. From these discussions an aboriginal health and wellness centre was established. Soon afterward, a youth centre opened to address the needs of young people.

Muskrat Dam First Nation has grown to 377 people and is still known as one of the healthiest, most caring communities in the James Bay area.

Susan Thorning, CEO of the Ontario Community Support Association accepts the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Susan Thorning, CEO of the Ontario Community Support Association accepts the 25th Anniversary Award from  (far left) Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Hugh O’Neil, and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll, and (far right) Helen Burstyn Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Ontario Community Support Association, Toronto

The Ontario Community Support Association (OCSA) formed in 1992 through the shared vision of three organizations representing community-based agencies: Meals on Wheels of Ontario, the Ontario Association of Visiting Homemaker Services and the Ontario Home Support Association. It represents the interests of non-profit health and social services organizations which assist individuals to live at home. At the time, OCSA had 318 member agencies, employed 11,000 staff, worked with 50,000 volunteers and served more than 750,000 older adults, people with disabilities and families each year.

In 1994, OTF granted the organization a substantial $3,084,500 over five years to help build its program capacity in order to address the ever changing needs of Ontario’s aging population.

Debbie Douglas, Executive Director of The Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Debbie Douglas, Executive Director of The Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI), Toronto

The Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants was incorporated in 1981 to act as a collective voice for agencies serving immigrants in Ontario. With a mission to achieve equality, access and full participation for immigrants and refugees in every aspect of Canadian life, OCASI quickly grew. 
By 1985, OCASI had 53 member agencies, three full-time employees and one part-time employee. That year, the Ontario Trillium Foundation granted the Council $367,200 over five years to hire more staff and develop its fundraising capacity. The organization created a fundraising committee and a five-year development plan in order to increase its income and expand operations.

Sheila Braidek of Regent Park Community Health Centre -- Pathways to Education and colleagues (centre group) accept the 25th Anniversary Award Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Sheila Braidek of Regent Park Community Health Centre -- Pathways to Education and colleagues (centre group) accept the 25th Anniversary Award Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Regent Park Community Health Centre - Pathways to Education, Toronto

In 1999, the Ontario Trillium Foundation provided $643,500 over five years to the Regent Park Community Health Centre to develop a Community Successions Model. The plan

helped the Regent Park community take a more vigorous role in the local economy. Pathways to Education, an innovative program designed to help kids remain in school, was one of its components.
Today, this exemplary program continues to achieve groundbreaking results. From 2001 to 2005, it helped to reduce student absenteeism by 65 per cent, reduced the high school drop-out rate from 56 to 14 per cent, and has inspired thousands of youth to reach their potential.

Al Hatton, President, United Ways of Canada and colleagues (centre group) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Al Hatton, President, United Ways of Canada and colleagues (centre group) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

United Ways of Ontario (UWO)
Early in its history, OTF recognized that the United Ways of Ontario and the Foundation were inextricably linked in every community. A strong United Way movement in the province greatly complemented OTF’s goals of building healthy and vibrant communities.  In 1983, OTF made a substantial grant of $6,036,072 over five years to UWO, a network of all United Ways in the province, to help strengthen technological and administrative capacities. The grant also provided funding that created individual stabilization funds for each local United Way in the province.

The partnership between United Ways of Ontario and OTF has remained one of the most significant the Foundation has ever formed. UWO continues to be a vital force of strength and support to the voluntary sector all across the province.

Kekina Kakekayash of Wawatay Native Communications Society and colleague (centre)
Kekina Kakekayash of Wawatay Native Communications Society and colleague (centre)
accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Wawatay Native Communications Society, Timmins
Wawatay Communications was founded in 1974 by the peoples of Nishnawbe-Aski Nation (49 First Nations across Northern Ontario) to provide access to communications technologies and services. Wawatay serves the communities by preserving, maintaining and enhancing indigenous languages and culture. Programming reflects the social, political, environmental and cultural concerns of its predominantly aboriginal audiences.

Wawatay and OTF understood the power of radio and saw an opportunity to reach out to aboriginal youth living in remote areas. In 1996, with an OTF grant of $104,700 over two years, Wawatay developed a youth phone-in talk show that aired two hours every week. Radio Wawatay is still going strong.

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Category:  OTF Province-Wide Program Awards

1. Arts and Culture

Sylvie Bouchard of Dusk Dances and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Sylvie Bouchard of Dusk Dances and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Dusk Dances, Toronto

With a bold vision to bring dance into the urban community, Dusk Dances began as an outdoor dance event at a Toronto ravine in 1993. Today, Dusk Dances builds dance appreciation and creativity in communities of all sizes across the province. In 2005, with a three-year OTF grant of $435,000, this lively program invited community residents and youth to create, produce and present dance pieces in Toronto, Chatham, Kingston, Deep River, Haliburton and Manitoulin Island. 

Dusk Dances has shown that the art of dance can play a significant role in strengthening communities. The Foundation is proud to help Dusk Dances step out with Ontarians.

2. Sports and Recreation

Patrick Connor, Executive Director of Ontario Trails Council and colleagues (centre)accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Patrick Connor, Executive Director of Ontario Trails Council and colleagues (centre)accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Ontario Trails Council, Kingston

Ontarians love their outdoor trails, perhaps no group more so than the Ontario Trails Council. Established in 1988 as a coalition of hikers, cyclists, snowmobilers and horseback riders, the Ontario Trails Council is now an umbrella group of 100 trail user and land management organizations. In 2004, with a four-year $355,000 OTF grant, the council continues to expand its work.

The Trillium Trail Network will be a lasting legacy of this grant. Thanks to OTF and the council, there are happy trails for all.

3. Environment

Susan Reid, Program Coordinator of the Just Add Water Initiative and colleagues from The Children’s Water Education Council and the Ontario Water Works Association ((centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award (centre) accept from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Susan Reid, Program Coordinator of the Just Add Water Initiative and colleagues from The Children’s Water Education Council and the Ontario Water Works Association ((centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award (centre) accept from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Just Add Water Initiative c/o Children’s Water Education Council and Ontario Water Works Association, Kitchener and Markham
Kids have an affinity for water. The Children’s Water Education Council, in partnership with the Ontario Water Works Association, is doing its part to ensure children know water doesn’t just come from a splash pad. 

An OTF grant of $325,700 in 2004 helped the Just Add Water Initiative develop 12 water festivals to raise awareness of this precious natural resource.  Each local festival received videos, displays, training manuals and ongoing support. This initiative has made a big splash with kids both young and old.

4. Human and Social Services

Angus Toulouse, Ontario Regional Chief of the Chiefs of Ontario and colleagues (centre) accepts the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Angus Toulouse, Ontario Regional Chief of the Chiefs of Ontario and colleagues (centre) accepts the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Chiefs of Ontario (COO), Fort William First Nation near Thunder Bay and Toronto

Chiefs of Ontario is the coordinating body for the 134 First Nations communities within the boundaries of Ontario. It enables the political leadership to discuss regional, provincial and national priorities affecting First Nations peoples in Ontario, and provides a unified voice for those issues.

In 2005, with a four-year $540,100 OTF grant, it developed an Ontario First Nations Young People’s Council to parallel the Chiefs of Ontario. The grant supported the creation of 25 youth councils per year in 134 First Nations communities, with the aim being for all Ontario First Nations and four regional councils to have a youth council. The leadership skills that the young people are learning will have a lasting impact on them and in their communities.

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Category:  Community Program Awards

1. Arts and Culture

arbara Tanner Billings of Waterford’s Old Town Hall Association and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Barbara Tanner Billings of Waterford’s Old Town Hall Association and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Old Town Hall Association, Waterford

In 1999, the Old Town Hall Association was created with a mission to restore the building.  In 2000, OTF provided a grant of $20,000 to help with preliminary architectural studies and again in 2003 with an additional $75,000 to assist with restoration. Together with fundraising revenue secured by the local community and the Old Town Hall Association, the grant improved safety and accessibility to the building, specifically the upper auditorium and stage.

Significant work was accomplished with community help.  Approximately 500 volunteers assisted by raising funds and assisting with the renovations. Volunteers in the community continue to maintain the building and surrounding area.

2. Sports and Recreation

Marcel Gibeault, President of Rendez-vous des aînés francophones d’Ottawa accepts the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Marcel Gibeault, President of Rendez-vous des aînés francophones d’Ottawa accepts the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Le Rendez-vous des Aînés Francophones d’Ottawa

In 2005, OTF granted $90,000 over three years to help the organization consolidate and expand its activities. In the past two years, membership at the Centre has grown to over 600 people. The organization has been very successful in developing a variety of programs that include workshops, art classes, walking clubs and excursions.

The Centre exudes a tremendous spirit of volunteerism. In the past three years, the volunteer group has grown from a handful of dedicated board members to over 110 committed individuals. The centre is currently establishing a volunteer transportation service that will provide even greater access to their programs and services.

3. Environment

Phyllis Callaghan of The Rainy Lake Conservancy and colleagues from the Nature Conservancy of Canada (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Phyllis Callaghan of The Rainy Lake Conservancy and colleagues from the Nature Conservancy of Canada (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Northwestern Ontario Conservation Partnership c/o Rainy Lake Conservancy,
Fort Frances

Northwestern Ontario is an area rich in natural resources and outdoor splendour. The Nature Conservancy of Canada, Rainy River Valley Field Naturalists and the Rainy Lake Conservancy, the lead organization in this collaboration, are determined to keep it that way.

With an OTF grant of $48,900 over two years, this collaborative effort has identified and conserved significant natural heritage features. It also built the Cranberry Peatlands Interpretive Trail, a wetland bog walk in Alberton Township. Residents and visitors alike will be able enjoy the results for generations.

4. Human and Social Services

Mary Smiley, Board Chairperson of the Lanark Transportation Association and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Mary Smiley, Board Chairperson of the Lanark Transportation Association and colleagues (centre) accept the 25th Anniversary Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (far right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Lanark Transportation Association, Carleton Place

Located on the western boundary of Ottawa, Lanark County is a large geographic region that includes many municipalities. Lack of transportation and the affordability of available options is one of the most pressing issues facing low-income families and persons with disabilities in its rural communities. In 2006, OTF granted the Lanark Transportation Association $35,000 over six months to buy a van that provided accessible transportation for eligible residents of Lanark County and Smith Falls.

Today, 16 volunteers assist with fundraising and provide direction for the program.

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Category: CEO Award

Nicole Anderson, Interim President of Business for the Arts, (centre) accepts the CEO Award
Nicole Anderson, Interim President of Business for the Arts, (centre) accepts the CEO Award
from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (right) OTF Chair Helen Burstyn

Business for the Arts, Toronto

In 2005, OTF granted the organization $450,000 to help launch its ArtsVest program in communities across Ontario. ArtsVest connects new business supporters to the arts through research, promotion and outreach. By building partnerships between artists, municipal governments, local businesses and the broader public, the program raises awareness of the role culture can play in revitalizing local economies and building healthy communities.

With the ability to secure almost four times the OTF grant amount from the private sector, ArtsVest has dramatically increased direct financial investment for the arts across Ontario. The work of Business for the Arts is helping to develop strong arts organizations that make a difference in their communities. 

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Category: Bluma Appel Award

Beverly Wyebrow, Executive Director of the Canadian Women’s Foundation accepts the Bluma Appel Award from Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll (left), and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo (right)
Beverly Wyebrow, Executive Director of the Canadian Women’s Foundation accepts the Bluma Appel Award from Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll (left), and OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo (right)

Canadian Women’s Foundation (CWF), Toronto
In 1995, CWF created the Women’s Economic Development Consortium and approached several foundations and corporate sponsors for financial support. Each partner was asked to contribute $150,000 per year for five years. OTF believed this to be a tremendous opportunity to support an important initiative and granted CWF the full amount.

With the funding, CWF helped established community-based small businesses and co-operatives run by low-income women. Participants were supported with technical assistance, mentoring and information. Nearly 600 women were involved in the initiatives.

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Category: Board Chair’s Award

Catherine Mindorff, Executive Director of the Peace Bridge Newcomer Centre accept the OTF Board’s Chair Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (right) OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo
Catherine Mindorff, Migration Health Director of the Peace Bridge Newcomer Centre accept the OTF Board’s Chair Award from (far left) OTF Vice-Chair Hugh O’Neil and Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll and (right) OTF CEO L. Robin Cardozo

Peace Bridge Newcomer Centre, Fort Erie

Immigrating or being forced to flee to another country can be a difficult, if not harrowing experience. The Peace Bridge Newcomer Centre in Fort Erie, the first of its kind in Canada, welcomes refugees and immigrants and helps them ease into Canadian society. 

In 2006, OTF granted the Peace Bridge Newcomer Centre $150,000 over two years to continue its work delivering an integrated system of support. Foundation funding has enabled the Centre to develop an operational plan and client database, while coordinating enhanced services to help clients.
Since opening the doors in December 2002, the Centre has helped close to 15,000 adults and children. In addition, volunteers have contributed more than 4,500 hours annually to support the Centre’s work.

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The Ontario Trillium Foundation is an agency of the Government of Ontario.