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Location: Ministry of Government Services > Archives of Ontario > Online Exhibits > Thomas and J. R. Connon, a Photographic Legacy

Thomas and J. R. Connon, a Photographic Legacy - Page Banner
Thomas and J. R. Connon, Photographic Legacy - Side Banner      

Thomas Connon (1832-1899) and his son, John R. Connon (1862-1931) were professional photographers active in Elora, Ontario.

Known for using innovative techniques and experimenting with new and ground-braking processes Thomas was considered a photographic pioneer. John followed in his father's footsteps as a prolific photographer and inventor of photographic equipment.

Very few photographic collections in the Archives holdings contain examples of as many different processes as the Connon collection. Among the photographic formats and processes are collodion and gelatin glass negatives and stereograph negatives, tintypes, albumen and early gelatin prints (on cabinet cards), panoramas, lantern slides, and a paper negative.

To learn more about the Connon collection follow the links below.

Photo: John R. Connon posed in studio with camera, [between 1880 and 1890]
Click to see a larger image (142K)
John R. Connon posed in studio with
camera, [between 1880 and 1890]
Thomas or John R. Connon
Glass plate negative
Connon family fonds
Reference Code: C 286-1-0-11-8
Archives of Ontario, I0011623


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