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Location: Ministry of Government Services > Archives of Ontario > Online Exhibits > A Lifetime - Day by Day: Five Women and Their Diaries

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A diary is a daily record of a person’s experiences.

When we read someone else’s diary we experience both a feeling of familiarity with our own lives and a glimpse of another time and place through the writer’s eyes. These women - from Ontario during the last half of the 19th century - wrote about their families and friends, occupations and social interactions, and incidentally about their communities.

Photo: Stack of Opened Diaries
Click to see a larger image (205K)

Stack of Opened Diaries
Archives of Ontario

Five Women and Their Diaries - Section Title
Photo: Stack of Diaries
Click to see a larger image (63K)

Stack of Diaries
Archives of Ontario

Go to: The Women
Go to: Young Women
Go to: Mothers and Big Sisters
Go to: Working Women
Go to: Middle Age
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