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Location: Ministry of Government Services > Archives of Ontario > Online Exhibits > Preservation of the Wm. Thomson Freeland Panoramas

Preservation of the Wm. Thomson Freeland Panoramas - Title Banner
Preservation of the Wm. Thomson Freeland Panoramas - Side Banner      

On May 16, 2003, Gillian Reddyhoff, the Curator of the Government of Ontario Art Collection was contacted by security staff at the Ontario Legislature at Queen's Park concerning the discovery of two framed panoramic photographs of Niagara Falls. They had been hidden from view for years, lying face down under a sub-floor on the fifth level attic of the building. Workmen had accidentally uncovered them while doing renovations.

The photographs were both taken from the Canadian side of the Niagara river and picture the area from slightly south of the Honeymoon Arch Bridge upriver to the Canadian Horseshoe Falls.

Each photograph measures roughly .7 metres by 5.6 metres (28” X 18’ 8 ½”). One, dated November 1, 1912, shows the area under a cover of snow. The other, dated June 1913, was taken in the late spring. Both photographs bear an inscription that reads in part, "The Largest One-Piece-One-Exposure Photo Enlargement in the World."

Photo: Security staff showing staff from the Archives of Ontairo the panorama photos discovered at Queen's Park
Click to see a larger image (198K)
Security staff showing staff from the Archives of Ontario the panorama photos discovered at Queen's Park

Unfortunately, when they were discovered, both pictures were in poor condition. The Archives undertook a long term plan to stabilize and store the panoramas. This virtual exhibit follows the process.

Follow the links below to see the preservation process unfold.

Discovery and Relocation Go to: Preservation of the Wm. Thomson Freeland Panoramas - Discovery and Relocation Removing the Varnish on Photograph #1 Go to: Preservation of the Wm. Thomson Freeland Panoramas - Removing the Varnish
Initial Assessment Go to: Preservation of the Wm. Thomson Freeland Panoramas - Initial Assessment
A mosaic photograph of one of the entire panoramas was painstakingly created by "stitching" 77 digital images together. The final result can be seen below. To see an animation of a larger version of the complete image click here. To see static larger images click here.
Mosic image of full Panorama


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