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Location: Ministry of Government Services > Archives of Ontario > Online Exhibits > The James Bay Treaty Turns 100

The James Bay Treaty Turns 100 - Page Banner
The James Bay Treaty Turns 100 - Side Banner        
Photo: Railway construction workers with Native people, [ca. 1915] - Banner
This year marks the centennial of The James Bay Treaty, also known as Treaty No.9. As part of the centennial marking the signing of the Treaty, the Archives of Ontario is proud to present an exhibit outlining the main historical events leading to Treaty No.9.

The exhibit documents the making of the Treaty between the Crown and First Nations, and the impact of Treaty No.9 on the subsequent history of Aboriginal signatories and of northern Ontario.

James Bay Treaty (Treaty No. 9) [page 1]
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James Bay Treaty (Treaty No. 9) [page 1]
Miscellaneous collection
Reference Code: F 775, (1905) Item 13
Archives of Ontario
Peoples and Events Shaping Treaty No.9 Go to: James Bay Treaty Turns 100 -Peoples and Events shaping Treaty No. 9
The Treaty No.9 Expedition of 1905-1906 Go to: James Bay Treay Turns 100 - The Treaty No. 9 Expedition of 1905-1906
Developing the Treaty Relationship, 1905-2005 Go to: James Bay Treaty Turns 100 - Developing the Treaty Relationship, 1905-2005
The James Bay Treaty - Treaty No. 9 Go to: The James Bay Treaty - Treaty No. 9


Photo: Native people in canoes, [ca. 1915] - Banner

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