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Location: Ministry of Government Services > Archives of Ontario > Online Exhibits > St. Lawrence Starch Company

St. Lawrence Starch Banner and Text.

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Home | John Gray and the Early Days | The Plant and Production
Advertising and Promotion | Sports Sponsorship | What Price Loyalty?
The Dionne Quintuplets | War
Credit Statement:

Bee Hive Golden Corn Syrup is a registered trademark owned by ACH Foods Inc. Used with permission.


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Go to: St. Lawrence Starch Company - What Price Loyalty? Go to: St. Lawrence Starch Company - John Gray and the Early Days Go to: St. Lawrence Starch Company - The Plant and Production Go to: St. Lawrence Starch Company - Advertising and Promotion Go to: St. Lawrence Starch Company - Sports Sponsorship Go to: St. Lawrence Starch Company - What Price Loyalty? Go to: St. Lawrence Starch Company - The Dionne Quintuplets Go to: St. Lawrence Starch Company - War