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Location: Ministry of Government Services > Archives of Ontario > Online Exhibits > War Artists from the First World War

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The Archives of Ontario Remembers War Artists from the First World War - Side Banner      

In a previous Remembrance exhibit the Archives of Ontario focused on artwork created by children during the 1936-39 Spanish Civil War. This November the Archives has chosen to highlight the work of a different group of artists who were active during an earlier war.

In particular the exhibit highlights those artists who contributed to the Canadian War Memorials Fund and whose artwork was eventually exhibited in 1919 at the first major exhibition to showcase images created during the First World War.

It includes some of the images created by a few of those war artists represented in the Archives collection and more specifically images that are part of the Canadian War Memorials Fund fonds (C 334).

On to Cambral
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On to Cambrai, [ca. 1918]
Gerard de Witt
Reference Code: C 334-1-3-0-3
Archives of Ontario, I0013637

The steps leading to The Great War or World War 1 began with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (1863-1914) heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne on June 28th, 1914. Following Germany's declaration of war on Russia and France, Britain and France responded by jointly declaring war on Germany on August 4th, 1914. Canada and Australia, as members of the British Empire, declared war on Germany in support of Britain on the same day.

The Landing of the First Canadian Division at St. Nazaire, 1915 (detail)
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The Landing of the First Canadian Division at St. Nazaire, 1915 (detail)
After Edgar Bundy, A. R. A.
Reference Code: C 334-2-0-0-1
Archives of Ontario, I0013648

The first contingent of Canadian soldiers numbering 33,000 arrived in Britain for service in France on October 16th, 1914 and were soon in the thick of the fighting.

During the next four years over 628,000 Canadians would serve in the armed forces. Of those, 23,000 would serve in Britain's Royal Flying Corps, 1,600 of whom died in combat. 10 of the RFC's total of 27 aces were Canadian. 3,000 Canadians served in the Royal Navy.

By the time the war ended 66,573 Canadians had been killed and 138,166 wounded. This was a very heavy toll in relation to the country’s relatively small population.

The Dominion of Canada in support of the British Government sent the majority of their troops to France including those in the four Canadian Divisions involved in the taking of Vimy Ridge on the 12th April 1917, one of the most notable achievements by any army during the war.

The Canadian Expeditionary Force was involved in many major battles including Ypres, the Somme, Passchendaele, Mons , Amiens and Cambrai.

The Battle of Vimy Ridge, 1917 after Richard Jack, A.R.A.
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The Battle of Vimy Ridge 1917 (detail)
After Richard Jack, A.R.A.
Reference Code: C 334-2-0-0-3
Archives of Ontario, I0013650
To be found alongside the allied troops in France were war artists from Britain, Canada and other countries who endeavoured to portray the scenes that they encountered.

Cross roads at Kemmel, 1917
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Cross roads, Kemmel, 1917
Lieut. C. H. Barraud
Reference Code: C 334-1-2-0-3
Archives of Ontario, I0003105
Soldiers on the Gordon Road, Kemmel
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Gordon Road, Kemmel, 1917
Lieut. C. H. Barraud
Reference Code: C 334-1-2-0-10
Archives of Ontario, I0003109

Cross roads, Kemmel

By Lieut. C. H. Barraud

This plate and "Gordon Road, Kemmel," form a very interesting pair, both drawn from the same spot facing in opposite directions. Until the enemy was driven from Wychate Ridge seen in the distance of the latter plate none of this ground was tenable in daylight.

Gordon Road, Kemmel

By Lieut. C. H. Barraud

A beautiful little plate, forming a companion to "Cross Roads, Kemmel."

Munitions Fuse Factory
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Munitions Fuse Factory, 1919
Dorothy Stevens
Reference Code: C 334-1-5-0-17
Archives of Ontario, I0013280

Other war artists went to munitions factories and other manufacturing plants to document the efforts being undertaken by the civilian population at home in producing the material of war. Over 60 million shells were produced in Canadian munitions factories alone.

The images created by war artists between 1914 and 1918 are poignant reminders of a devastating war that took place almost one hundred years ago.

It may be of interest to note that barely twenty years would pass before war artists were once again in action capturing the exploits of another Canadian army, this time during World War II.

A view of St. Pierre looking from the Ypres Ramparts, July, 1916
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A view of St. Pierre from the Ypres
Ramparts, July, 1916
Lieut. C. H. Barraud
Reference Code: C 334-1-2-0-6
Archives of Ontario, I0003099


Found throughout this exhibit, these boxes contain the descriptions of the artworks as found in the original "Catalogue of WAR ETCHINGS" that detailed the various works included in the Canadian War Memorials Exhibition, 1919

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Next: War Artists from the First World War - The Canadian War Memorials Fund