End of Life > Funerals and Burial Services
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 records

Board of Funeral Services
This site provides information on Funeral Arrangements, Funeral Alternatives.
Source: Board of Funeral Services

Canada Benefits: Dealing with death in Ontario
This Canada Benefits Web site provides an overview of all government benefit programs and services for individuals related to dealing with death in Ontario.
Source: Government of Canada

Funeral Homes
This Web page lists the member funeral homes of the Ontario Funeral Service Association.
Source: Ontario Funeral Service Association

Giving a Eulogy
This Web page offers advice on how to give a eulogy after the loss of a loved one.
Source: Ontario Funeral Service Association

Questions and Answers about Funerals
This site answers some frequently asked questions about funerals.
Source: Ontario Funeral Service Association

The Consumer and Funeral Practices
General information about Funeral Practices.
Source: Government of Nova Scotia.

Eligible Funeral Arrangements (IT-531 ) - Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
This bulletin discusses the income tax implications of the use of pre-paid funeral and cemetery arrangements.

Funeral, Burial and Gravemarking Assistance
Description of responsibility assumed by the Canadian Government for the burial of members of the Canadian Armed Forces who died during battle and those who died as a result of war-related injuries.
Source: Veterans Affairs Canada

Most people avoid thinking about funerals until faced with the death of a loved one. When you wait until this time of stress and grief, it can be hard to make the necessary decisions. This Web page gives information to help you make those decisions.
Source: Industry Canada, Office of Consumer Affairs

Last Post Fund
The Last Post Fund (LPF) operates in cooperation with, and is supported financially by Veterans Affairs Canada. LPF is a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to ensure, insofar as possible, that no war Veterans or civilians who meet the wartime service eligibility criteria are denied a dignified funeral and burial for lack of sufficient funds.
Source: Veterans Affairs Canada

National Military Cemetery of the Canadian Forces
The National Military Cemetery of the Canadian Forces (NMC) is a national focal point for sacrifices made to maintain Canada's commitment to peace and security, both internationally and at home. Located in Beechwood Cemetery in Ottawa, the NMC honours current and former members who have served their country with pride.
Source: National Defence

Preparing for Bereavement
This document is intended to help you and your family plan ahead for this difficult time and thus ease the practical difficulties surrounding the eventual death of a spouse. It also deals with the grieving process. Includes definitions of legal terms.
Source: Veterans Affairs Canada

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 records