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PUBLIC EDUCATION: "Developing a Culture of Human Rights"

Promoting human rights is key to developing a culture where everyone can play a part as we move to achieving the vision of society described in the Preamble to the Human Rights Code. This vision is consistent with that described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, part of Canada's Constitution. It is a vision where everyone feels that they are an important part of the community and that they are able to participate fully to its development and well-being while respecting and taking responsibility for the rights of others.

Promotion & Partnership

The Commission engages in a wide range of educational activities and partnership initiatives, such as public awareness campaigns, presentations, worshops and conferences. It also engages in national and international cooperation, participates in intergovernmental task forces and receives delegations from around the world.

In keeping with its responsibility to promote understanding and awareness of and compliance with the Code, the Commission has an important mandate to conduct public education throughout the province. Public education is delivered primarily through the Commission's Web site, publications, public awareness campaigns, speaking engagements and presence at community events.

The Commission has a display booth that it sets up at resource fairs and community festivals. Our display has been a part of such annual events as the Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario Annual Conference, Toronto's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual Pride Festival and multicultural fairs in local communities. We have also attended job fairs for persons with disabilities and conferences for educators.

In evaluating many requests for speakers, the Commission focuses its resources on events and initiatives that have the potential to: promote systemic prevention of Code violations and advancement of human rights; significantly enhance the Commission's relationship with strategic or underserved sector; "train trainers" to have a sustainable "multiplier" effect in the organization; and reduce discrimination across a sector and/or to decrease the incidence of formal human rights complaints.

The Commission does not have the capacity to accept all requests. In such instances, the Commission tries to work with the organization or individual to help meet their needs in other ways through Commission resources or referral to other organizations.

The Commission focuses its public education activities on issues that are associated with current human rights concerns.

This Web site provides the public with access to a wide array of information and resources including: an overview of the Human Rights Code and the Commission's mission; description of the complaint process; case summaries; policies, plain language guides, public inquiry reports and Comission submissions; public education resources as well as news releases. The Commission's Web site is an increasingly important tool in the promotion of human rights in Ontario and ensures it is compatible with international accessibility standards for persons with disabilities and that documents are posted in both English and French in accordance with Ontario's French Language Services Act


The Commission provides educational sessions to employers, unions, professional associations, community organizations and other groups who are partners with us in striving to develop a culture of human rights.

Here are some examples of the types of sessions normally delivered by Commission representatives:

  • Overview of the Ontario Human Rights Code
  • Human Rights in the Workplace
  • Harassment & Sexual harassment
  • Accommodation of Persons with Disabilities in the Workplace & in the Education System
  • Specific human rights issues: Pregnancy and breastfeeding, accommodation of religious beliefs, use of medical information
  • Developing internal human rights procedures

To invite someone from the Commission to speak to your group, see the section on Requesting Public Education from the Commission.

Human Rights Education in Schools

The Commission distributes an education kit intended for use in High Schools entitled Teaching Human Rights in Ontario.Click here to learn more about the kit.

International liaison

The Commission meets with delegations, intergovermental organizations and staff from human rights commissions around the world to exchange ideas with them about administrative procedures and to share our common experiences in teaching people about human rights and enforcing human rights laws in civil society.

To inquire about the possibility of meeting with the Commission for this purpose, please contact us at:

Policy and Education Branch
Ontario Human Rights Commission
180 Dundas Street West, 7th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2R9
Attention: Director
Phone: (416) 314-4507
Fax: (416) 314-4533
or e-mail: info@ohrc.on.ca

Requesting Public Education from the Commission

The Commission has a number of staff available to speak at a public event or to provide educational sessions within the Province of Ontario. We normally request about six weeks advance notice to ensure that someone will be available to speak to your group. We will do our best to fulfill your request within two weeks of receiving it; however we are not able to accept all invitation.

While speeches may vary in length, workshops are generally around 90 minutes in length and we usually request a minimum of 25 people attending.

The Request for Public Education Form can be either completed online or you can print it (PDF Document, 30kb) and mail it to:

Policy and Education Branch
Ontario Human Rights Commission
180 Dundas Street West, 7th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2R9
Attention: Director
Telephone: (416) 314-4533
Fax: (416) 314-4533
or e-mail: info@ohrc.on.ca

To obtain more information please call the Policy and Education Branch at (416) 314-4507 or TTY (416) 314-4493. We will accept collect calls.

Please note that invitations to have the Chief Commissioner speak to a group may be addressed directly to the Office of the Chief Commissioner:

Office of the Chief Commissioner
Ontario Human Rights Commission
180 Dundas Street West, 7th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2R9
Attention: Executive Advisor to the Chief Commissioner
Telephone: (416) 314-4533
Fax: (416) 314-4537
or e-mail:education@ohrc.on.ca