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The Ontario Human Rights Code (the “Code”) provides for equal rights and opportunities, and freedom from discrimination. The Code recognizes the dignity and worth of every person in Ontario and applies to the areas of employment, housing, facilities and services, contracts, and membership in unions, trade or professional associations.

In the workplace, employees with disabilities are entitled to the same opportunities and benefits as people without disabilities. In some circumstances, employees with disabilities may require special arrangements or “accommodations” to enable them to fulfill their job duties.

Customers, clients and tenants with disabilities also have the right to equal treatment and equal access to facilities and services. “Facilities and services” could be restaurants, shops, hotels, and movie theatres, as well as apartment buildings, transit and other public places. Public and private educational providers also need to make sure their facilities and services are accessible and that appropriate accommodation is available for students with disabilities.

Ensuring persons with disabilities have equal opportunity and access will help to avoid human rights complaints.


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“Disability” covers a broad range and degree of conditions, some visible and others not. A disability may have been present from birth, caused by an accident, or developed over time. It includes physical, mental, and learning disabilities, mental disorders, hearing or vision disabilities, epilepsy, drug and alcohol dependencies, environmental sensitivities, as well as other conditions.

Under the Code, protection from discrimination because of disability includes past, present and perceived conditions. For example, a person who experiences discrimination because she is a recovered alcoholic is protected by the Code, as is a person whose condition does not limit his workplace abilities but who is believed to be at greater risk of having limitations in the future.


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Persons with disabilities face many kinds of barriers on a daily basis. These can be physical, attitudinal or systemic. It is more effective to identify and remove barriers voluntarily rather than waiting to respond to individual accommodation requests or complaints.

Identifying and removing barriers also makes good business sense. In addition to responding to the needs of customers or employees with disabilities, barrier removal enables fuller participation by others, such as older persons and families with young children, who also benefit from increased accessibility.

Employers, unions, landlords and service providers can start by conducting an accessibility review of their facilities, services and procedures to see what barriers exist. An accessibility plan can then be developed and immediate steps taken to begin removing barriers. Developing an accessibility policy and a complaints procedure will also help to address existing barriers and avoid creating new ones.

In fact, the best way to prevent barriers is to design inclusively. This means that when planning new facilities, undertaking renovations, purchasing computer systems or other equipment, launching Web sites, setting up policies and procedures, or offering new services, design choices should be made that avoid creating barriers for persons with disabilities.

Keep in mind that barriers aren’t just physical. Taking steps to prevent “ableism” – attitudes in society that devalue and limit the potential of persons with disabilities – will help promote respect, dignity and the full participation of persons with disabilities in the life of the community.


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Even when facilities and services are designed as inclusively as possible, some persons with disabilities may still require an accommodation to meet their individual needs. The “duty to accommodate” is the legal obligation that employers, unions, landlords and service providers have under the Code to meet the needs of persons with disabilities. The goal of accommodation is to allow equal benefit from and participation in services, housing, or the workplace.

Accommodation is a shared responsibility. Everyone involved, including the person seeking accommodation, should co-operate in the process, exchange relevant information, and explore accommodation solutions together.

There is no set formula for accommodating people with disabilities. Though certain accommodations can benefit many, individual needs must still be considered each time an accommodation request is made. A solution for one person may not work for someone else. Some examples of accommodations include:

  • Increased flexibility in work hours or break times
  • Providing reading materials in alternative formats including digitized text, Braille or large print
  • Providing sign language interpreters or real time captioning for persons who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing so they can participate in meetings
  • Installing automatic entry doors and making washrooms accessible in the workplace or the common areas of a condominium
  • And depending on the circumstances, job restructuring, retraining or assignment to an alternative position

Many accommodations can be made easily, and at minimal cost. In some cases, immediate implementation of the most appropriate solution might result in “undue hardship” because of costs or health and safety factors. There is still a duty to consider and implement next-best measures that would not result in undue hardship. Such measures should be taken only until more ideal solutions can be put in place or phased in.


As a person with a disability:

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  • Tell your employer, union, landlord, or service provider what your disability-related needs are as they relate to your job duties, tenancy, or the services being provided
  • Provide supporting information about your disability-related needs, including medical or other expert opinions where necessary
  • Participate in exploring possible accommodation solutions

As an employer, union, landlord, or service provider:

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  • Accept requests for accommodation from employees, tenants, and clients in good faith
  • Request only information that is required to provide the accommodation. For example: You need to know that an employee’s loss of vision prevents them from using printed material, but you do not need to know they have diabetes
  • Take an active role in examining accommodation solutions that meet individual needs
  • Deal with accommodation requests as quickly as possible, even if it means creating a temporary solution while a long-term one is developed
  • Maximize confidentiality for the person seeking accommodation and be respectful of his or her dignity
  • Cover the costs of accommodations, including any necessary medical or other expert opinion or documentation


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Please consult the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Policy and Guidelines on Disability and the Duty to Accommodate, Human Rights at Work, as well as other policies, guidelines, reports and submissions that address disability issues in the areas of education, restaurants, the Building Code, public transit, and older persons, available on the Commission’s Web site at www.ohrc.on.ca.

If you have questions about any of your rights or responsibilities under the Code or are considering filing a complaint, please call in confidence during regular office hours from Monday to Friday.

Toll free: 1-800-387-9080
TTY: 1-800-308-5561
E-mail: info@ohrc.on.ca

Aussi disponible en français
© 2006 Government of Ontario

Related Resources:


Accommodating Persons with Disabilities

Accommodating Students with Disabilities: Principles

Accommodating Students with Disabilities: Roles and Responsibilities

Backgrounder: Mental Health Discrimination & Police Record Checks

Dining Out Accessibly

Disability - Workplace Roles and Responsibilities

EDUCATION AND DISABILITY: Human Rights Issues in Ontario's Education System

Education Funding for Students with Disabilities

Equal Access for Students with Disabilities: Ontario Human Rights Commission Commitments

FACT SHEET: Equal Access to Education for Students with Disabilities During Strikes

Guidelines On Accessible Education

How Far Does the Duty to Accommodate Go?

Main Barriers to Education for Students with Disabilities

MOVING TOWARDS BARRIER-FREE SERVICES: Final Report on the Restaurant Accessibility Initiative

Planning for the Accommodation Needs of Students with Disabilities

Policy and Guidelines on Disability and the Duty to Accommodate

Policy on HIV/AIDS-Related Discrimination

Policy on Mental Health Discrimination and Police Record Checks - Draft

Roles and Responsibilities in the Accommodation of Students with Disabilities

Submission Of The Ontario Human Rights Commission Concerning Barrier-Free Access Requirements In The Ontario Building Code

Submission of the Ontario Human Rights Commission to the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Regarding the Consultations to Strengthen the "Ontarians with Disabilities Act"

Submission of the Ontario Human Rights Commission to the Transportation Standards Review Committee regarding the Initial Proposed Transportation Accessibility Standard

THE OPPORTUNITY TO SUCCEED: Achieving Barrier-Free Education For Students With Disabilities

What is Disability?

--- Read More Publications

Accommodating Persons with Disabilities

Accommodating Students with Disabilities: Principles

Accommodating Students with Disabilities: Roles and Responsibilities

Backgrounder: Mental Health Discrimination & Police Record Checks

Dining Out Accessibly

Disability - Workplace Roles and Responsibilities

Duty to Accommodate Mental Health Disability Upheld by Landmark Ontario Human Rights Decision

EDUCATION AND DISABILITY: Human Rights Issues in Ontario's Education System

Education Funding for Students with Disabilities

Equal Access for Students with Disabilities: Ontario Human Rights Commission Commitments

FACT SHEET: Equal Access to Education for Students with Disabilities During Strikes

Guidelines On Accessible Education

How Far Does the Duty to Accommodate Go?

Human Rights Commission Launches New Sign Language Video

Human Rights Commission Releases Draft Policy on Mental Health Discrimination and Police Record Checks for Consultation

Human Rights Settlement Wins Hotel Visual Fire Alarms for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Guests


Main Barriers to Education for Students with Disabilities

MOVING TOWARDS BARRIER-FREE SERVICES: Final Report on the Restaurant Accessibility Initiative

Ontario Transit Services Expected To Announce All Transit Stops

Planning for the Accommodation Needs of Students with Disabilities

Policy and Guidelines on Disability and the Duty to Accommodate

Policy on HIV/AIDS-Related Discrimination

Policy on Mental Health Discrimination and Police Record Checks - Draft

Proposed Transportation Accessibility Standards a setback for Ontarians with Disabilities

Restaurant Accessibility Report Highlights Successes Of Industry Cooperation

Roles and Responsibilities in the Accommodation of Students with Disabilities

Submission Of The Ontario Human Rights Commission Concerning Barrier-Free Access Requirements In The Ontario Building Code

Submission of the Ontario Human Rights Commission to the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Regarding the Consultations to Strengthen the "Ontarians with Disabilities Act"

Submission of the Ontario Human Rights Commission to the Transportation Standards Review Committee regarding the Initial Proposed Transportation Accessibility Standard

THE OPPORTUNITY TO SUCCEED: Achieving Barrier-Free Education For Students With Disabilities

What is Disability?