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In keeping with the Commission's mandate to promote understanding of human rights and encourage research to eliminate discriminatory practices, the Commission periodically introduces new policies and reviews or redevelops older policies as required to keep pace with the interpretation of the Ontario Human Rights Code. Policies and guidelines are written to help Commission staff, members of the public and those involved in human rights to understand and interpret how the Ontario Human Rights Code applies.

All current publications are available on this Web site. All policies and guides are available in HTML (viewable in any Web browser) and PDF (viewable with Adobe Acrobat Reader). If you wish to print a copy of a policy or guide, we suggest using the PDF version.

1999-2000 Annual Report June 1, 2000
2001-2002 Annual Report June 1, 2002
2002-2003 Annual Report June 1, 2003
2003-2004 Annual Report June 1, 2004
2004-2005 Annual Report June 1, 2005
2005-2006 Annual Report June 1, 2006
A Complainant's Guide January 1, 2000
A Guide To Mediation Services May 14, 1997
AN INTERSECTIONAL APPROACH TO DISCRIMINATION: Addressing Multiple Grounds In Human Rights Claims October 9, 2001
Accommodating Persons with Disabilities
Accommodating Students with Disabilities: Principles
Accommodating Students with Disabilities: Roles and Responsibilities
Age Discrimination and Healthcare
Age Discrimination and Housing
Age Discrimination and Transit
Ageism and Age Discrimination
BALANCING CONFLICTING RIGHTS: Towards an Analytical Framework August 1, 2005
Backgrounder: Mental Health Discrimination & Police Record Checks February 11, 2008
CONSULTATION PAPER: Human Rights and Rental Housing in Ontario May 9, 2007
CONSULTATION REPORT: Human Rights And Public Transit Services In Ontario March 27, 2002
CONSULTATION REPORT: Human Rights Issues in Insurance October 9, 2001
CONSULTATION REPORT: Strengthening Ontario's Human Rights System - What We Heard October 6, 2005
CONSULTATION: Undue Hardship Standard and Voluntary Assumption Of Risk May 30, 1999
Call For a Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination June 1, 2006
Commission Appeals Advance Human Rights Law
DISCRIMINATION AND AGE: Human Rights Issues Facing Older Persons In Ontario May 31, 2001
DISCUSSION PAPER: Accessible Transit Services in Ontario January 16, 2001
DISCUSSION PAPER: Human Rights Issues In Insurance October 30, 1999
DISCUSSION PAPER: Reviewing Ontario's Human Rights System October 13, 2006
DISCUSSION PAPER: Toward a Commission Policy on Gender Identity October 1, 1999
Developing Procedures To Resolve Human Rights Complaints Within Your Organization June 19, 1996
Dining Out Accessibly April 10, 2004
Disability - Workplace Roles and Responsibilities
EDUCATION AND DISABILITY: Human Rights Issues in Ontario's Education System July 17, 2006
Education Funding for Students with Disabilities
Equal Access for Students with Disabilities: Ontario Human Rights Commission Commitments
Examples of Racial Discrimination
FACT SHEET #1: Human Rights and Family Status May 1, 2007
FACT SHEET #2: Family Status and the Ontario Human Rights Code May 1, 2007
FACT SHEET #3: Employment Discrimination Based on Family Status May 1, 2007
FACT SHEET #4: Housing and Family Status May 1, 2007
FACT SHEET: Equal Access to Education for Students with Disabilities During Strikes March 20, 2007
FROM RESEARCH TO LEGISLATION: Challenging Public Perceptions and Getting Results October 18, 2006
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): Questions & Answers September 1, 1999
Guide To Releases With Respect To Human Rights Complaints May 30, 2006
Guide to the "Human Rights Code" May 26, 2002
Guidelines On Accessible Education September 29, 2004
Guidelines for Collecting Data on Enumerated Grounds Under the Code September 24, 2003
Guidelines on Special Programs November 19, 1997
HIRING? A Human Rights Guide September 13, 1999
HISTORY: Strengthening Ontario's Human Rights Commission May 18, 2006
HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONS: Future Directions February 28, 2000
How Far Does the Duty to Accommodate Go?
Human Rights & The Family In Ontario March 30, 2005
Human Rights At Work January 30, 2004
Human Rights Commissions And Economic And Social Rights October 1, 2001
Human Rights Project Charter May 17, 2007
Human Rights and Rental Housing in Ontario: Background Paper May 9, 2007
IF YOU RECEIVE A HUMAN RIGHTS COMPLAINT: A Respondent's Guide May 14, 1997
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Female Genital Mutilation and the Ontario "Human Rights Code" August 30, 1999
MOVING TOWARDS BARRIER-FREE SERVICES: Final Report on the Restaurant Accessibility Initiative October 10, 2006
Main Barriers to Education for Students with Disabilities
Ontario Human Rights Commission Annual Report 2006-2007 July 5, 2007
Ontario Human Rights Commission Statistics for the Year Ending March 21, 2006
PAYING THE PRICE: The Human Cost of Racial Profiling October 21, 2003
POSITION PAPER RE: Whether the para-transit services provided by public transit services in the cities of Toronto, Hamilton, London, and Windsor are special programs under the Ontario Human Rights Code October 19, 2006
PREGNANCY - Before, During & After: Know Your Rights May 26, 1999
PRELIMINARY FINDINGS: Inquiry into Assaults on Asian Canadian Anglers December 14, 2007
Planning for the Accommodation Needs of Students with Disabilities
Policy And Guidelines On Racism And Racial Discrimination June 9, 2005
Policy On Creed and the Accommodation of Religious Observances October 20, 1996
Policy On Discrimination Against Older People Because of Age March 26, 2002
Policy On Employment-Related Medical Information June 19, 1996
Policy On Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) November 22, 2000
Policy On Height And Weight Requirements June 19, 1996
Policy On Requiring A Driver's Licence As A Condition Of Employment June 19, 1996
Policy and Guidelines on Disability and the Duty to Accommodate November 23, 2000
Policy and Guidelines on Discrimination Because of Family Status April 30, 2007
Policy on Discrimination Because of Pregnancy and Breastfeeding September 11, 1996
Policy on Discrimination and Harassment because of Gender Identity March 30, 2000
Policy on Discrimination and Harassment because of Sexual Orientation March 30, 2000
Policy on Discrimination and Language June 19, 2002
Policy on Drug and Alcohol Testing September 27, 2000
Policy on HIV/AIDS-Related Discrimination November 27, 1996
Policy on Mental Health Discrimination and Police Record Checks - Draft February 8, 2008
Policy on Racial Slurs and Harassment and Racial Jokes June 19, 1996
Policy on Scholarships and Awards July 8, 1997
Policy on Sexual Harassment and Inappropriate Gender-Related Comments and Conduct September 10, 1996
Private School Tax Credit
Racial Harassment and Poisoned Environments
Racial Profiling Inquiry - Background and Process
Racial Profiling Inquiry - Main Report Recommendations
Racial Profiling Inquiry - Major Themes
Racial Profiling Inquiry - Objectives
Racial Profiling Inquiry - What's Next
Racial Slurs and Harassment and Racial Jokes June 19, 1996
Racism and Racial Discrimination
Racism and Racial Discrimination - Data Collection
Racism and Racial Discrimination - Organizational Responsibility
Racism and Racial Discrimination - Systemic Discrimination
Roles and Responsibilities in the Accommodation of Students with Disabilities
Services Offered to Persons with Disabilities and Persons who cannot Effectively Communicate in English or French May 1, 2007
Sexual Harassment and Other Comments Or Actions About A Person's Sex November 27, 1996
Submission Of The Ontario Human Rights Commission Concerning Barrier-Free Access Requirements In The Ontario Building Code March 1, 2002
Submission Of The Ontario Human Rights Commission To The Ministry Of Labour Regarding The Consultations On Ending Mandatory Retirement September 1, 2004
Submission Of The Ontario Human Rights Commission To The Toronto District School Board Safe And Compassionate Schools Task Force April 29, 2004
Submission by The Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies September 1, 2002
Submission of the Ontario Human Rights Commission to the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Regarding the Consultations to Strengthen the "Ontarians with Disabilities Act" March 31, 2004
Submission of the Ontario Human Rights Commission to the Ontario Police Complaints Review September 28, 2004
Submission of the Ontario Human Rights Commission to the Transportation Standards Review Committee regarding the Initial Proposed Transportation Accessibility Standard August 30, 2007
Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy on Bill 211 November 23, 2005
THE CHANGING FACE OF ONTARIO: Discrimination and our Aging Population September 25, 2000
THE COST OF CARING: Report on the Consultation on Discrimination on the Basis of Family Status April 30, 2007
THE ONTARIO SAFE SCHOOLS ACT: School Discipline And Discrimination July 8, 2003
THE OPPORTUNITY TO SUCCEED: Achieving Barrier-Free Education For Students With Disabilities July 30, 2003
TIME FOR ACTION: Advancing Human Rights for Older Ontarians June 28, 2001
The End of Mandatory Retirement
The Ontario Human Rights Commission - Complaint Process Service Guide March 30, 2007
What is Disability?
What is Racial Profiling?