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Contact Us

  • Do you have questions about a Human Rights issue?
  • Want to know how to file a complaint?
  • Don't know what to do if you've had a complaint filed against you?

The Commission is devoted to giving the highest quality service to the public. We welcome the opportunity to help you find solutions to your human rights issues and questions.

Human Rights Inquiries:

  • Local: (416) 326-9511
  • Toll Free (outside Toronto Area): 1-800-387-9080
  • TTY (Local) (416) 314-6526
  • TTY (Toll Free) 1-800-308-5561

Head Office:

  • Reception: (416) 314-4500
  • Reception (TTY): (416) 314-4493

E-mail: info@ohrc.on.ca

For all comments or questions of a technical nature, related to this Web site, please contact our webmaster: webmaster@ohrc.on.ca

Mailing Address:

Ontario Human Rights Commission
180 Dundas Street W. 7th Floor
Toronto ON M7A 2R9