The following website uses Cascading Stylesheets for certain web features. If CSS is turned off, some of these features may not be available.
Ontario Government Website
Ministry of Community and Social Services
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Ministry of Community and Social Services - Printer Friendly Version

Ministry of Community and Social Services

Webpage Accessibility Features

We have tried to develop this website to be accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of the technology they might be using to browse the Internet. The features of this website include the following.

  • Page templates are designed without horizontal scrolling.
  • Text equivalents (e.g. ALT) are provided for non-text elements (e.g. images).
  • Headings, lists and a consistent structure are used to organize content.
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to control style and layout.
  • Hyperlink text is provided in such as way as to make sense when taken out of context.
  • Navigation mechanisms are consistent.
  • Information is conveyed in high contrast (i.e. black text on white background).
  • TeleTYpewriter (TTY) number is included alongside other telephone numbers on the Feedback page.
  • Publications/directives are provided in HTML, MS-WORD and Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Information on how to access the Adobe Acrobat and MS-WORD reader plug-ins are included where applicable.
  • A site map is provided to enable users to locate information quickly.
  • A Feedback page is provided that contains contact information such as a telephone, TTY and Fax numbers.
  • Underlined text is used only to denote hyperlinks.


Did you know?

You can change the size of the text that is displayed on a web page by making it larger or smaller.

  • On the toolbar at the top of the web page, click on View.
  • Then click on Text Size.
  • Choose one of the five options listed: Largest, Larger, Medium, Smaller, Smallest.