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Healthy Babies Healthy Children
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A child's early years - from before birth to age six - are very important. Healthy babies are more likely to develop into healthy children, and healthy children are more likely to grow up to be healthy teenagers and healthy adults.

That's the purpose of Ontario's Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program - to help children get a healthy start in life. The program does this by helping infants and children up to age six and their families through:

  • screening and assessments to see if there are any risks that could affect a child's healthy development and referrals to community programs and services.
  • supports for new parents
  • help in finding community programs and resources on all kinds of subjects such as:
    • breastfeeding
    • nutrition and health services
    • parenting programs
    • family literacy programs

There are also special services such as:

Aboriginal Healthy Babies Healthy Children

Specially-designed for Aboriginal families and their children up to six years of age, this program integrates assessment, counselling and support services with native traditional teachings.

Who can access the Healthy Babies Healthy Children program

Healthy Babies Healthy Children is a free and voluntary program for:

  • pregnant moms, and
  • families with young children up to the age of six
How you can access Healthy Babies Healthy Children services
  • If you are pregnant

Doctors, midwives or nurses usually tell new parents about the program before they leave the hospital with their new baby.

  • If you have a child up to six years of age


How you can access Aboriginal Healthy Babies Healthy Children services

Contact Ontario's Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy.

Learn more

You'll find some helpful information about child development from birth to age six in Making a Difference. It's a series of publications that are posted on the Ontario Early Years Centres website.

Newborn babies in Ontario are screened for 27 disorders, including sickle cell disease. Find out more by visiting the website of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.