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Your baby's Speech and Language
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Ontario's Preschool Speech and Language Program

Maybe your child is having trouble understanding what you say or making different sounds. Perhaps you are worried that your child seems to be a little slower than other children in saying his first words. You're concerned, but don't know what to do about it.

Don't wait and see. If there is a problem, the sooner you get help for your child, the better. No child is too young to be helped. If there is a problem, early attention is important. If there is no problem, you will be relieved of worry.

Importance of language

The first years of life are very important for learning speech and language. From the time they are born, children start communicating. Very early in their lives, they learn to understand what you are saying and to make sounds of their own. They are beginning to develop speech and language skills. Communication skills are critical to your child's future success.

Language is important. We use it to:

  • communicate with other people
  • read and write
  • learn

Without language, a person can't talk to others, can't understand what they say and can't learn successfully.

What is a speech disorder?

A child with a speech disorder has trouble producing sounds.

What is a language disorder?

A child with a language disorder has difficulty understanding or putting words together to express ideas.

What causes speech and languages disorders?

There are many kinds of speech and language disorders and there are many reasons why they happen.

If you think that your child is having problems developing language, it's important to get help right away. Early therapy can:

  • improve your child's readiness for school
  • improve your child's self-esteem and confidence
  • prevent problems from getting worse
  • help your child get along with others
  • decrease frustration
  • reduce behaviour problems
Where to get help for your child

The Ministry of Children and Youth Services funds Ontario's Preschool Speech and Language Program. The program is offered in 31 locations across Ontario.

The program focuses on the prevention, early identification and treatment of speech and language problems in children from infants until the time the child starts school.

If you are worried about your child, the first step is to contact your local Preschool Speech and Language Program for an assessment.

There is no cost for this program and you don't need to get a referral from your doctor.

Learn more

About what you can do to help your child develop strong speech and language skills.