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News Releases

For Immediate Release
February 7, 2008


McGuinty Government Invests In Opportunity For Students

Premier McGuinty announces a $16.5-million investment to expand a joint technology program at McMaster University and Mohawk College.
Premier McGuinty with Hamilton-area MPPs Sophia Aggelonitis and Ted McMeekin. Premier McGuinty with Peter George, president of McMaster University and MaryLynn West-Moynes, president of Mohawk College. Premier McGuinty visits Hamilton to announce an investment of $16.5-million to support a joint technology program at McMaster University and Mohawk College. Premier McGuinty talks to postsecondary students about the government's plans to invest $16.5-million to support tomorrow's high-tech leaders. Premier McGuinty announces a $16.5-million investment to expand a joint technology program at McMaster University and Mohawk College.

Premier McGuinty announces a $16.5-million investment to expand a joint technology program at McMaster University and Mohawk College.

HAMILTON — Ontario is investing in tomorrow's high-tech leaders through an award-winning program at McMaster University and Mohawk College.

The government's $16.5-million investment will expand a joint technology program to help meet the high demand for skilled workers.  New classrooms and computer labs will use new technology to train students for careers in IT, manufacturing, civil engineering and energy. 

The program also helps internationally-trained professionals find jobs in Ontario. 

"These students are going to help Ontario stay ahead of the competition," said Premier Dalton McGuinty.  "We're investing in their skills and knowledge so we can continue to attract jobs and investment for our economy."

"Today's students will build tomorrow's knowledge-based economy," said John Milloy, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities.  "When they succeed, we all succeed."

Ontario is Canada's technology hub, with more than 5,000 high-tech companies and manufacturers.  The Conference Board of Canada estimates Canada's tech sector may need up to 58,000 new workers this year. 

See how Ontario supports postsecondary education and training.  Explore what you can do after high school.

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