Government of Ontario
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About This Site

The Ontario Government website, ONTARIO.CA, is the primary Internet portal for information about the Government of Ontario, its programs, services, new initiatives, laws, and many other products.

What are you looking for?   There are many ways to find it.

Information and Services by Subject

SERVICES: Find Government of Ontario information, programs and services by subject or go to ServiceOntario to access the growing number of online services for residents, visitors and business.

ABOUT ONTARIOABOUT ONTARIO: Residents and visitors, learn basic facts about the Province of Ontario – its geography, resources, history, people and culture, economy, and much more.

ABOUT GOVERNMENTABOUT GOVERNMENT: Use the A-Z Index or pick a topic to find information about the Government of Ontario, its organizational structure, laws and legislative processes, information centres, agencies, boards and more.

TOP NEWSTOP NEWS: Read recent announcements from the Government of Ontario, search the news archives, receive headlines at your desktop, or access Hansard and the Ontario Gazette.

FAQFAQ: Easily search for answers to common questions about the Province of Ontario and the services it offers.

For even faster access to the content that matters to you customize our website through one convenient, easy-to-use page. Once you have set up an account for My Page, any time you return to the site simply click LOGIN to load your personalized page.

Breadcrumbs"Breadcrumbs": See where you are within the site at any point and navigate your way back to the parent section.

Home Page Features

ServiceOntarioServiceOntario: Connect to the growing number of online services for individuals and business.

Find links to important information for Ontario residents and visitors – select any link for an overview of the topic and how to get it done.

Side-Column Navigation

In addition to the main buttons across the top of the page there are navigation boxes and other features at the sides of the page.


LEARN MORE: When this box displays at the top of the left column, it provides local navigation for the section you are in.



A green arrow arrow indicates either a link to additional content or a link to open up more navigation options from that page.


For example, clicking the arrow next to CHOOSE A MINISTRY will expand this menu of links to all government ministry websites. The arrow will then point down.

If you do not wish to view specific content, you may collapse certain sections. Clicking on a downward pointing arrow will cause the area to contract.


Find Government of Ontario programs and service information by audience – Family, Children, Students, Seniors, Business, and Visitors.


These links provide access to government forms in various formats, Publications Ontario, and consolidated versions of most of Ontario's public statutes and regulations.


The Contacts tab on the left side of each page provides quick links to the Info-GO Telephone Directory, Government Information Centres, Members of Parliament and our feedback form.

SearchSearch: The search box at the top right on each page enables you to search all government of Ontario websites. If you don't find what you are looking for, try using some of the search options from the Advanced Search page. Specific help is also available on the Search Help page.

LIFE EVENTSLIFE EVENTS:  Throughout our lives, we experience many important events such as getting married, having a baby, moving, and preparing for retirement. This section compiles the resources and services from several different ministries and levels of government to help you deal with each of these Life Events.



Footer Links

All Government of Ontario websites include links to this site (Ontario Home / Central Site), Feedback or Contacts, Site Map and the French version of the page. You can also access the Government Privacy Statement, Important Notices, and copyright information from The Queen's Printer for Ontario. The Contacts link provides contact information for the Premier, Members of Parliament, government employees and much more.

If you are experiencing difficulties using the Ontario website, please send us your comments and questions.

Premier McGuinty's site
Fairness: It's time for fairness for all Canadians
Visiting Ontario
This site is maintained by the Government of Ontario, Canada.


Copyright information:© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2007
Last Modified: November 27, 2007