Government of Ontario
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Premier McGuinty's site

Premier's Kids Zone
About Ontario



The Ontario government offers services and information to help parents give their children the best possible start in life, and to assist those in need, including: adults; children and youth; and people with physical and developmental disabilities. The Ontario Government also provides a wide range of health services, from health insurance and emergency services to community and public health.


  • Having a Baby
    Find extensive resources for new and expectant parents.
  • Best Start
    Helping young children get the best start in life — information about child care and financial assistance.
  • Parental Leave
    Answers to common questions about parental leave.
  • Children's Information Portal!
    Information about all the children and youth programs and services provided by the Government of Ontario.
  • Ontario Early Years Centres
    Places where parents and caregivers can take part with their children in programs and activities, and get information about programs and services for young children.
  • Licensed Child Care
    Helping parents find licensed child care in Ontario.

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  • Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
    A resident of Ontario must have a health card to show that he or she is entitled to health care services paid for by OHIP. Learn more.

  • Telehealth
    Telehealth Ontario is a free, confidential telephone service you can call to get health advice or general health information from a registered nurse.

    Ontario's Consumer Health Information Portal

  • EatRight Ontario
    This website offers articles on nutrition, including healthy weights, disease prevention, tips on packing healthy lunches and food labeling, and links to valuable resources within Ontario’s health network.

  • Your Community: Health Services
    Find the locations of many community-based health services such as hospitals, Public Health Units and Community Care Access Centres.

  • Children's Health
    Learn about children's health services including the Autism Program, Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program and the Preschool Speech and Language Program.

  • Ontario Wait Times
    The information on this website lets you compare wait times in your area to other regions of the province. When you and your doctor are choosing where to get care, this site will help you make a more informed choice.

  • Ontario Women's Health Council
    Established to improve the health of all women in Ontario in all stages of their lives.

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Marriage and Divorce

  • Getting Married
    A handy guide to getting married in Ontario.
  • Dealing With Separation and Divorce
    Find resources to help you understand the legal issues and processes of separation and divorce in Ontario.
  • Office of the Children's Lawyer
    This office in the Ministry of the Attorney General delivers justice programs on behalf of children under the age of 18 with respect to their personal and property rights such as child custody and access disputes, child protection proceedings, estate matters and civil litigation.
  • Family Responsibility Office
    This office of the Ministry of Community and Social Services processes child and spousal support payments to help ensure that families receive the financial support they are entitled to.
  • Family Justice Programs and Services
    Information about family court services, supervised access, obtaining a lawyer and Legal Aid.
  • Family Mediation
    This website provides a description of family mediation and information services available at Ontario's Family Courts.
  • Family Courts Structure
    Understanding the family court system in Ontario.

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Financial Assistance

  • Ontario Works/Welfare
    This program delivers both financial and employment assistance to people in temporary financial need.

  • Employment Insurance (EI)
    Employment Insurance provides regular benefits to people who have lost their jobs, through no fault of their own, while they look for work or upgrade their skills. You can now apply for EI on-line!

  • Looking for a Job
    A collection of sites and information for a focused way to assist you throughout your job journey.

  • - Connecting you to government Benefits
    Internet doorway to government-wide information about benefit programs and services for individuals and families.

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Abuse and Neglect

  • For Women - When You Are In Crisis
    Violence against women consists of sexual assault or harassment, stalking or domestic violence. Discover programs to assist women, links to women's shelters, contact information and more.

  • Dealing with Spousal Abuse
    A collection of critical information of interest to Ontario residents needing assistance with a domestic violence situation. Links are provided to community resources where help and counselling are available.

  • Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
    Find out the signs of abuse and neglect and find out about your responsibilities to report a child in need of protection.

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  • Adoption
    Learn about adoption in Ontario, including private adoption and international adoptions by step-parents or relatives.

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  • Ontario Disability Support Program
    This program is designed to meet the unique needs of people with disabilities and their families who are in financial need, or who would like to work and need support.

  • Developmental Services
    Find services and supports for people of all ages who have a developmental disability and their families.

  • Children with Special Needs
    This Web page is intended to assist parents and caregivers seeking information about services funded and/or provided by the Ontario government for children with physical, intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, mental health disorders, medical problems or those who need specialized services to participate in daily living activities.

  • Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
    This website provides information and resources dealing with the protection of mentally incompetent people.

  • Assistive Devices and Home Oxygen Programs
    These two programs provide financial assistance to Ontario residents with long-term physical disabilities to obtain basic, competitively priced, personalized assistive devices appropriate for the individual's needs and essential for independent living.

  • Accessibility Ontario
    Providing resources and promoting accessibility for a barrier-free Ontario.

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Home and Housing

  • Rent Bank
    A provincial program designed to ensure housing stability for tenants who, due to an emergency or other unforeseen circumstance, are in short-term arrears and facing eviction. 
  • Provincial Rent Increase Guidelines
    The annual guideline is the maximum amount that most landlords can increase a tenant's rent without making an application to the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal.
  • Landlord and Tenant Board
    The role of the Board (formerly known as the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal) is to provide information about the Residential Tenancies Act and to resolve disputes between most residential landlords and tenants.
  • Condominium Information
    Ontario's Condominium Act and regulations have been developed to meet the changing needs of consumers and businesses, support a strong economy and help create jobs.
  • Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)
    Each year, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation prepares an assessment roll for every Ontario municipality. Learn how MPAC assesses property.
  • Assessment Review Board
    The Assessment Review Board is an independent adjudicative tribunal whose main function is to hear complaints from people who believe that properties are incorrectly assessed or classified.
  • Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
    CMHC is the government of Canada's national housing agency, helping Canadians gain access to a wide choice of quality, affordable homes.
  • Home Buyers' Plan (HBP)
    This program allows for a tax-free withdrawal from a Registered Retirement Savings Plan to build or buy a qualifying home.

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Wills and Death

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Other Resources

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Having a Baby
Having a Baby

Find extensive resources for new and expecting parents.

Ontario's Consumer Health Information Portal
Ontario's Consumer Health Information Portal

Women's Info Gateway
Women's Info Gateway
Find information about women's programs and services.
This site is maintained by the Government of Ontario, Canada.


Copyright information:© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2007
Last Modified: February 19, 2008