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Feb. 13, 2008 - Making Cyberspace Safer - This link will exit this site and take you to the Canada News Wire Web site. McGuinty Government Helping Kids Stay Safe Online.

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Photo of Minister Bartolucci's visit to Lord Lansdowne Public School in Toronto

Jan. 21, 2008 - Ontario Supporting Local Police Services - This link will exit this site and take you to the Canada News Wire Web site. McGuinty Government Delivers On Community Safety.

Jan. 17, 2008 - Province Honours Heroic Firefighters And Police Officers - This link will exit this site and take you to the Canada News Wire Web site. Lieutenant Governor Awards Medals For Bravery.

Dec. 13, 2007 - McGuinty Government Applauds Cross Of Valour Rule Change - This link will exit this site and take you to the Canada News Wire Web site. Slain Cobourg Police Officer Now Eligible For Award.

Dec. 11, 2007 - McGuinty Government Making Sex Offender Registry Stronger - This link will exit this site and take you to the Canada News Wire Web site. Changes Will Require More Offenders to Register, Help Police With Investigations.

Nov. 30, 2007 - McGuinty Government Supports Cross Of Valour Award For Fallen Cobourg Police Officer - This link will exit this site and take you to the Canada News Wire Web site. Urges Prime Minister To Reverse Decision Based On Arbitrary Time Limit.

Nov. 21, 2007 - McGuinty Government Confirms Commitment To Specialized Emergency Response Teams - This link will exit this site and take you to the Canada News Wire Web site. Special Units Strengthen Province's Ability To Respond To Emergencies .

Nov. 15, 2007 - McGuinty Government Calls On Ottawa To Give Ontario Fair Share Of 2,500 New Police Officers - This link will exit this site and take you to the Canada News Wire Web site. New Federally Funded Recruits Would Build On Provincial Initiatives To Make Ontario Communities Stronger And Safer.

Nov. 2, 2007 - McGuinty Government Launches Crime Prevention Week November 4-10 - This link will exit this site and take you to the Canada News Wire Web site. Focus On Combating Racism, Intolerance And Hate.

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Last Modified: Feb. 15, 2008