The Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs (MIA) is a policy-oriented ministry that provides strategic advice and support to the Premier, the Minister and Cabinet on intergovernmental issues across Canada and relevant international issues around the world.

The ministry is organized to provide support in four areas: Canadian Intergovernmental Relations, Intergovernmental Policy Coordination, International Relations and Protocol, and Communications.



Getting Results
  • Delivering fair federal funding for the services Ontarians need
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  • Promoting prosperity for Ontario through international trade missions
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Ontario demands amendment to Bill C-22

December 10, 2007

QUEEN'S PARK — The Legislative Assembly of Ontario passed a resolution today that calls on the federal government to amend Bill C-22, the legislation that threatens to weaken democratic representation for Canadians living in Ontario. Premier McGuinty introduced the resolution with the following remarks:

"I rise today to speak on a matter as fundamental as fairness, as precious as our democratic principles and as basic as the belief that Canadians living in one province have as much value as Canadians living in another."

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Premiers take action on climate change, internal trade and energy at annual summer meeting

August 13, 2007

Canada’s provincial and territorial premiers – meeting as the Council of the Federation – took action to address several important issues at their annual summer meeting, August 8-10 in Moncton, New Brunswick. Premiers committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the impacts of climate change. They announced they are moving to strengthen domestic trade between provinces and territories by reducing internal trade barriers. Premiers also released A Shared Vision for Energy In Canada, their national energy strategy.

News Release -- COF commits to reducing greenhouse gas emissions

News Release -- Premiers strengthen trade

News Release -- COF releases shared vision for Canada’s energy future

Report -- Climate Change Leading Practices (pdf)

Report -- A Shared Vision for Energy In Canada (pdf)

Council of the Federation Energy Maps

Premier urges federal government to join Ontario's economic plan

August 7, 2007

"The plan is working," Dalton McGuinty says, "and now is the time to accelerate it."

Now is the time to accelerate an economic plan that has helped to deliver 340,000 more jobs than Ontario had four years ago, says Premier Dalton McGuinty.

Read More | Speech

Ontario continues to be under-represented in the House of Commons

May 18, 2007

The federal government's new proposed legislation fails to honour its commitment to representation by population

The Conservative Party platform committed to "Restore representation by population for Ontario, British Columbia, and Alberta in the House of Commons." Unfortunately, Ontario is and will continue to be under-represented in the House of Commons despite this Bill.

Read More | Backgrounder (PDF) |
Projected implications (PDF)

Minister Bountrogianni welcomes the federal budget

March 20, 2007

Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs says Ontario's fairness campaign has delivered real results for the people of Ontario

In a statement before the Legislature today, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs Dr. Marie Bountrogianni said the March 19 federal budget addresses many of the province's concerns about the fiscal imbalance and fairness for Ontario, but more remains to be done.

House Statement

Federal budget must deliver fairness for Ontario

March 15, 2007

Ontarians Deserve Fair Funding for Essential Public Services

QUEEN’S PARK –The March 19 federal Budget is an opportunity for the federal government to address Ontario’s fairness concerns, Ontario Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Marie Bountrogianni said today.

Press release

A significant step toward fairness

March 6, 2007

Prime Minister Harper and Premier McGuinty announce significant new investments in Ontario in public transit, highway infrastructure and measures to address climate change. This is a significant step toward fairness for the people of Ontario

Premier McGuinty has been fighting hard for fairness, and people from across the province have been supporting Ontario’s campaign. Today’s announcement provides further evidence that the federal government is increasingly committed to delivering federal transfers on a per capita basis, which has been a key demand of the Premier’s fairness campaign.

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Ontarians from business, labour, non-profit and public sectors call for fairness in next federal budget

February 5, 2007

A non-partisan coalition of leaders from Ontario’s business, labour and non-profit sectors write an open letter to federal Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty, urging the federal government to treat Ontarians fairly in the next federal budget

Read more | The coalition’s open letter to Minister Flaherty| The coalition’s news release

Premier's fairness message to Ontarians

January 19, 2007

While leading Ontario's mission to India, Premier Dalton McGuinty writes about Ontario's place in the global economy, and how the federal government must stand with Ontario by providing fairness for all Canadians

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