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Ontario Government Website
Ministry of Community and Social Services
Ministry of Community and Social Services - Printer Friendly Version

Ministry of Community and Social Services
Minister of Community and Social Services
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Community Services Developmental Services Family Responsibility Office Social Assistance

Minister of Community and Social ServicesThe Honourable Madeleine Meilleur

Minister of Community and Social Services
Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs



On October 30, 2007, the Honourable Dalton McGuinty re-appointed Madeleine Meilleur as Minister of Community and Social Services. She also remains Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs. As Minister of Community and Social Services, Madeleine Meilleur plays an active role in putting forward her leadership abilities to ensure that the Ministry offers help to the people who need it most. As Minister of Culture, Minister Meilleur spearheaded efforts to introduce a new and strengthened Ontario Heritage Act, concluding 30 years of efforts to provide better heritage protection. The new act received Royal Assent in April 2005, which brought Ontario in line with leading jurisdictions in heritage conservation.

A leader committed to building bridges between linguistic communities, Minister Meilleur established, as Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs, the Provincial Advisory Committee on Francophone Affairs.

A registered nurse and lawyer specializing in labour and employment law, Minister Meilleur brought leadership to numerous committees and task forces. Minister Meilleur was elected to the provincial legislature in 2003 after more than a decade in municipal politics. From 1991 to 2003, she represented the City of Vanier and the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton and served as a councillor in the new City of Ottawa.