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Ontario Government Website
Ministry of Community and Social Services
Ministry of Community and Social Services - Printer Friendly Version

Developmental Services

Our goal is for people who have a developmental disability to participate fully as citizens in their community. [more]


May 2, 2007
McGuinty Government Boosting Developmental Services Sector
TORONTO – The McGuinty government is boosting capacity in the developmental services sector by providing multi-year agency base budget and wage and salary increases as part of the 2007 Ontario Budget, Minister of Community and Social Services Madeleine Meilleur announced today. [More]

March 27, 2007
McGuinty government makes record investment for people with developmental disabilities
TORONTO – The McGuinty government is boosting services and supports for people with a developmental disability and their families by investing an additional $200 million over four years to strengthen capacity in developmental service agencies in communities across Ontario as part of the 2007 Ontario Budget, Minister Responsible for Community and Social Services Madeleine Meilleur announced today. [More]

February 20, 2007
McGuinty Government Invests in French-Language Services For People With A Developmental Disability
TIMMINS – The McGuinty government is investing in 162 projects across Ontario to build, repair, renovate and upgrade community agencies that provide French-language programs and services to people in need, Minister of Community and Social Services and Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs Madeleine Meilleur announced today. [More]