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Ontario Government Website
Ministry of Community and Social Services
Ministry of Community and Social Services - Printer Friendly Version

Ministry of Community and Social Services
Minister of Community and Social Services
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Community Services Developmental Services Family Responsibility Office Social Assistance

How to Section

Administrative Fees
Central East Region
Central West Region
Coming Back to the Ontario Disability Support Program – Rapid Reinstatement
Disability-Related Work Expenses
Domestic Violence and Ontario Works: What You Should Know
Drafting a Support Order
Eastern Region
Emergency shelters
Employment and Training Start Up Benefit
Employment Supports
Employment Transition Benefit
Fact sheet for employers/income sources
Fact sheet for lawyers
French-language services
Frequently Asked Questions about Ontario Works
Frequently asked questions for employers/income sources
Glossary of terminology
Hamilton Region
Health Benefits After You Leave the Ontario Disability Support Program
Help for children exposed to domestic violence
Help With Child Care Costs
Hide your Internet activities
How the program works
How to apply for Employment Supports under the Ontario Disability Support Program
How to apply for financial assistance under Ontario Works
How to apply for financial assistance under the Ontario Disability Support Program
How to get information
How to make payments
How to withdraw from the program
Important Information for Employers
Important information for family law lawyers
Important points to remember
Information at your fingertips: The Interactive Voice Response System for Income Support recipients
Information for Adult Family Members without Disabilities on the Ontario Disability Support Program
Information for support payors
Information for support recipients
Leaving the Ontario Disability Support Program for Work
Legislative changes
Links to online resources
Make buildings and spaces accessible
Make information accessible
Make your workplace accessible
North East Region
Northern Region
ODSP Earnings Exemption and Work-Related Benefit
ODSP Employment Supports: Instructions on completing and submitting your application package
ODSP Publications
Order an Ontario government publication in alternate format
OW Publications
Payments Options
Personal Identification Number (PIN)
Plan an accessible meeting
Resources for Recipients
Services for Aboriginal women and children
South East Region
South West Region
Talk about disabilities – choose the right word
Tips for support payors
Tips for support recipients
Tips on using HTML forms
Tips on using PDF forms
Toronto Region
Who to call
Working While Receiving ODSP Income Support
Your Reporting Responsibilities