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Family Responsibility Office
Minister of Community and Social Services
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The forms listed below are required by the regulations under the Family Responsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement Act, 1996 and must be used in the prescribed circumstances.

(These forms are available in PDF format for your convenience. To view and print PDF files, you need to have Adobe Acrobat® Reader 4.0 or later installed on your computer. You can download this free software from the Adobe website.)




Support Deduction Order and Support Deduction Order Information Form


These two forms are used together each time a court makes a support order. The support deduction order allows the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) to collect support by sending notice to a support payor's employer or other income source, requiring support to be deducted from the payor's income.

If you are asking the court to make or change a support order, complete the appropriate sections of these forms prior to your court date, and provide them to the court clerk. The court will complete the rest of the information, based on what the judge orders.


Alternative Payment Order

An alternative payment order can be made, in limited circumstances, by a judge. The alternative payment order allows a support payor to pay by another method rather than by automatic income deductions under a support deduction order.

If you are asking the court to make an alternative payment order, complete the appropriate sections of this form prior to your court date. If you or the support recipient has a lawyer, the lawyer will complete the rest of the form based on what the judge orders.  If neither of you has a lawyer, provide the form to the court clerk and the court will complete the rest of the form based on what the judge orders. 


Financial Statement

The financial statement must be completed by support payors in three situations:

  • when requested by the FRO in writing
  • when asking the court for a refraining order (e.g., to prevent the FRO from suspending a driver's licence); and
  • when the FRO has served the support payor with a notice of default which requires the payor to appear in court to explain to a judge why support is not being paid.

When this form is completed it should be provided to the FRO. If you are going to be in court, you must also file a copy of the completed financial statement with the court along with your other court documents.


Notice to Family Responsibility Office by Income Source 


This notice is used by income sources (usually employers) to communicate with the FRO. This form can be used by an employer or other income source to let the FRO know that payments will be interrupted or stopped. 

This form can also be used to clarify that the income source or employer does not know the payor. If you are an employer or income source, complete the appropriate sections of this form and return it to the FRO.


Refraining Order

This form must be used when a payor asks the court for a refraining order to prevent the FRO from suspending a driver's licence.  If you are asking for a refraining order, complete the appropriate sections of this form prior to your court date, and provide it to the FRO lawyer. 

If you and the FRO lawyer can agree on what conditions should be set out in the refraining order, complete the form together and provide it to the court clerk for the judge's approval.  If you and the FRO lawyer cannot agree, provide the form to the court clerk.  The court will complete the rest of the information, based on what the judge orders.

If you are asking for a refraining order, you should also complete a financial statement.