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Ontario Government Website
Ministry of Community and Social Services
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News Room
Minister of Community and Social Services
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Community Services Developmental Services Family Responsibility Office Social Assistance

December 10, 2007
Ontario Moves Forward To Open Adoption Records
TORONTO – The Ontario government has introduced new legislation that will, if passed, help enshrine openness in future adoption records while providing a disclosure veto for people involved with past adoptions, Minister of Community and Social Services Madeleine Meilleur announced today. [More]

September 4, 2007
Ontario Fulfills Its Commitment to Deliver New Adoption Information Laws
TORONTO – Ontario is delivering a new, more open adoption information disclosure system that will make it easier for adult adoptees and birth parents to learn about their past, Minister of Community and Social Services Madeleine Meilleur announced today. [More]

August 24, 2007
McGuinty Government Makes Good On Commitment to Provide Better Customer Service to People with Disabilities
TORONTO - The McGuinty government is implementing a new accessible customer service standard that will connect more customers to products, services and employment by requiring businesses to be accessible, Madeleine Meilleur, Minister of Community and Social Services, announced today. [More]

July 24, 2007
McGuinty Government Makes Long-Term Funding Investment In Community Social Services Agencies
AJAX – The McGuinty government is investing more than $20 million more over the next three years to bolster community social services organizations. [More]

June 27, 2007
Moving Toward A More Accessible Province For All Ontarians
TORONTO – The McGuinty government took another important stride today toward its goal of making Ontario more accessible for people with disabilities with the release of a proposed standard on accessible transportation for public review, Community and Social Services Minister and Minister Responsible for People with Disabilities, Madeleine Meilleur, said today. [More]