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Story Gallery

100 Million Stories
The Ontario Trillium Foundation is proud of the leading role it plays in assisting Ontario communities. We are an agency of the Government of Ontario. By exploring our story gallery, you'll discover a few of the many ways we're working together to build healthy and vibrant Ontario communities.

Volunteers make it happen Volunteers make it happen
Our Foundation knows first-hand how vital volunteers are.  Over 300 unpaid volunteers serve on the Foundation’s Board of Directors or on one of our 16 Grant Review Teams.  Thanks to their time, passion and leadership, we can strengthen community organizations and improve the quality of life for all Ontarians. - Click here
Arts and Culture

Arts and Culture
From theatre and dance troupes to seasonal concerts and choirs, the Ontario Trillium Foundation has invigorated the province's arts and culture sector with $174 million in funding since 1999. Click here to read some of the stories behind our Arts and Culture granting initiatives.


The Ontario Trillium Foundation's commitment to preserving our natural resources is reflected in the $69 million directed towards community and Province-Wide environmental initiatives since 1999. The Ontario Trillium Foundation is currently Ontario's largest funder of not-for-profit environmental organizations. Click to read some of the stories behind our Environment granting initiatives.


Human and Social Services


Human and Social Services
The Ontario Trillium Foundation is committed to assisting the needs of Ontarians through grants that focus on developing skills and confidence to break cycles of poverty and isolation and build better futures. Since 1999, Ontario's human and social services sector has benefited from $355 million in Community and Province-Wide grants. Click to read some of the stories behind our Human and Social Services granting initiatives.


Sports and Recreation

Sports and Recreation
In communities all over Ontario, participation and grant support for local sports serve to bring people together, improve the quality of life and build a sense of community vitality. Through nearly $165 million in sports and recreation grants since 1999, the Ontario Trillium Foundation is helping to create opportunities for people to stay healthy, explore new activities and test their limits. These opportunities result in economic benefits for local merchants, new friendships through sport and the chance for future generations to access upgraded facilities for years to come. Click to read some of the stories behind our Sports and Recreation granting initiatives.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation is an agency of the Government of Ontario.