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Knowledge Sharing

The Foundation regularly conducts research as part of our ongoing commitment to learning and continuous improvement. This is the spot on our website where we post interesting reports and research.

You are invited to review the following Briefs, which summarize our recent research and the actions we will undertake as a response to what we have learned.

Research Brief 101 -
Ontario Trillium Foundation Applicant Survey

(PDF 86kb)

Research Brief 102 -
Meeting the Needs of Ontario’s Youth

(PDF 76kb)

Research Brief 103 -
OTF and Ontario’s Aboriginal Communities: Learnings and Opportunities

(PDF 728kb)

Research Brief 104 -
The Environment Sector in Ontario

(PDF 715kb)

  • Other Featured Research:  Featured Research

  • The Ontario Trillium Foundation is an agency of the Government of Ontario.