Nova Scotia
Driver Insurance Abstract Service

Bulletin -- 30 March 2000

Since implementation of the new Nova Scotia Driver Insurance Abstract Service (DIAS) on March 1, 2000, the ACOL Client Support Centre and staff from the Registry of Motor Vehicles have responded to several inquiries regarding the contents of driver abstracts under the new service. These include:

  • License Status of DENIED
  • Reference Numbers for Accident Information
  • Demerit Point Notations for Motor Vehicle Convictions
  • Suspension Notations
Clarification on each of these items is provided below. If there are other questions or comments on any other items not identified in this bulletin, please contact the ACOL Client Support Centre.

Note: For those companies using the services of CGI to provide driver abstract information, please contact the CGI Help Desk at 1-905-814-4633 for assistance.

License Status of Denied

A license status of "DENIED" has been appearing on some Driver Abstracts since March 1, 2000. This status indicates that the driver has a business matter outstanding with the Nova Scotia Registry of Motor Vehicles (e.g. outstanding fees or fines). The individual’s license status is considered "ACTIVE" by the Registry in all other respects.

To avoid confusion on this mater in the future, the status of "DENIED" will no longer appear on the Driver Abstract, but will show the status of "Active" in appropriate cases.

Reference Numbers for Accident Information

The descriptive information provided with accident information on a Driver Abstract includes reference information which can assist staff from the Registry of Motor Vehicles locate supplemental information. Effective immediately, this reference information will be the Case Number assigned to the accident or notation.

Demerit Point Notations for Motor Vehicle Convictions

Demerit Points related to convictions under the Motor Vehicle Act on an individual’s driving record apply for a period of two years, at which point they are no longer counted towards their driving record or accumulated points total. Since March 1, 2000 some Driver Abstracts have shown these point totals past the two year period.

To avoid confusion on this matter in the future, Demerit Points relating to convictions will no longer be shown on a Driver Abstract once the two year period has expired.

Suspension Notations

Prior to March 1, 2000 a notation appeared on Driver Abstracts when a license was re-instated after a suspension.

The License Status for an individual should be referred to in order to determine whether a license has been suspended. Drivers who have been re-instated will show a status of "ACTIVE". Details of their suspension will be provided in within the body of the Driver Abstract.

Other Information

You should be aware that the format and content of Driver Abstracts issued from a Registry of Motor Vehicle office have not changed. Any copies of Driver Abstracts obtained from Registry offices will be continue to be printed on official Registry letterhead.

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31 May 2000