Nova Scotia
Driver Insurance Abstract Service

Instructions for Using the NS DIAS

The Nova Scotia Driver Insurance Abstract Service menu page contains a button that links you directly to the NS DIAS logon screen. Go back to that page and click on this button.

The logon screen looks similar to this one:

DIAS logon screen

Log on to the service

Type in your user ID and password (that were included in your welcome package) using upper case in the space provided. Click on the "Submit Login" button.

If you make an error, click on the "Reset" button to clear the boxes and start again (this applies to all instances of the "Reset" button).

You are then prompted to select one of the available applications. Select the "NS Driver Insurance Abstract Service" link.

Request an abstract

To request a driver abstract, type in the complete client master number, along with the surname and date of birth, in the boxes provided on the query screen and click on the "Perform Query" button.

Entry of the surname and date of birth is optional. In future this service will require that these two fields also be completed. Clients will be notified piror to the implementation of this change.

View an abstract

The next screen is called "Driver Insurance Abstract - Results". If the result is a match, then you will be presented with the following data: master number; licence status; surname; given name; licence class; expiry date; and licence conditions. These are followed by particulars of suspensions, convictions and accidents, if applicable.

If the result is that there is no match, then you will be presented with a statement to that effect.

If there is a problem with the query or the network, an error message will be displayed describing the circumstances.

Each of these results screens includes a "Perform Another Query" button below the result. Click on this button if you want to request another abstract (see step "Request an abstract").

Other links provided on these screens in the left-hand navigation bar are "Return to Session Main Menu" (to go back to the secondary logon screen from where you selected the "NS Driver Insurance Abstract Service" link) and "Return to Application Main Menu" (to go back to the query screen).

Print an abstract

Printing driver abstracts is done the same way you would print any web page -- use the print command according to the particulars of your web browser.

Log off from the service

Once you have logged in, you can log off from any of the previous screens. To log off, select the "Logoff" link in the left-hand navigation bar.

The next screen is called "Driver Insurance Abstract - Logout". You are then no longer logged into the NS DIA service.

If you wish to log on to the service again, select the "Click here to login again" link to return to the logon screen and step "Log on to the service".

Client Support

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, contact the ACOL Client Support Centre.

NS DIAS menu
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12 May 2000