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Business Guides

Business Guides are detailed information products designed primarily for start-up entrepreneurs who want to establish a business in the Yukon.

Basic Start-Up Business Guides

The following collection of "basic start-up guides" is designed to assist individuals who are interested in starting their own business in the Yukon. Most of the information is applicable to all types of new businesses and includes key regulations, contacts, programs and services that entrepreneurs should be aware of when setting up a new business.

How To Guides

These guides are designed to provide an understanding of potential license, permit or registration requirements when considering the establishment of specific types of business in the Yukon.

General Business Guides

These guides cover a variety of topics that may be of interest to start-up entrepreneurs and established small business owners.

Fact Sheets

These documents have been produced to assist with a number of issues that pertain to business in a general way and can apply to a number of industries.