Symbol of the Government of Canada


The term E-Business means conducting business on the Internet, including buying and selling products and services, providing customer service and collaborating with business partners.

General Information

  • E-Business Info-Guide: This info-guide provides an introduction to E-Business and will help you understand what it is, how it could affect your business and how existing regulations apply to E-Business transactions in the Yukon.
  • Doing Business on the Internet: The Internet is not a single entity; it is more a complex system of services and programs that together, provide users with the Internet. Each of these services has different capabilities and functions. Working together, they provide users with a unique variety of services that can be used by businesses as a research tool, a networking tool and an advertising medium.
  • Where To Start: New to e-business? Not sure where to start, or whether to start at all? Visit the ebiz.enable website for an overview of e-business and a selection of useful links.

Government Programs, Services and Information

  • Economic Policy E-Commerce Information: The Yukon has legislation of its own on the following: Electronic Commerce, Electronic Contracts, Electronic Signatures, Electronic Records, Correcting online errors, Electronics shipping documents, and Electronic Evidence.
  • E-Commerce In the Yukon Educational Modules: The E-Commerce in the Yukon CD Rom includes a pocket-sized CD Rom that illuminates global and territorial e-commerce trends, navigates the legislative process and outlines primary steps for launching and conducting a business on-line.
  • ebiz.enable: Informed e-business decisions are made easier at ebiz.enable, Industry Canada's Web site dedicated to helping small and medium enterprises (SMEs) succeed in reaping the rewards of e-business.
  • Student Connections: Industry Canada's Student Connections (SC) provides Canadian small and medium entreprises (SMEs) with short, practical e-commerce and Internet training sessions.

Using E-Commerce To Do Business

  • E-Commerce - Exploring Your Options: This document is an introduction to E-Business and the Internet, outlining some of the considerations in entering this mode of business, typical transactions and approaches to the technology.
  • MERX: Electronic Tendering Service: MERX is an on-line service that advertises federal, provincial/territorial and municipal government contracting opportunities to potential bidders.
  • Registering as a Supplier: The database, the Supplier Registration Information (SRI) service, is a directory of vendors who want to do business with the federal government.
  • Contracting for Services: Set of services bought from the private sector by the federal government in connection with the purchase of goods.
  • Government of Yukon Source List: The Government of Yukon's source list is an online directory of contractors, suppliers of goods & services and consultants who want to do business with the Yukon government. Government employees use the source list to identify contractors when invitational or sole-sourced tenders are issued.

Consumer Protection

Additional Resources