Newfoundland and Labrador

Statistics for Business Planning

The following provides a roadmap to various sources of business statistics needed in preparing a business plan. Further information is available by clicking on the highlighted topic. If you have any questions or need further assistance, contact the Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Centre at 1-800-668-1010 (within Newfoundland and Labrador).

Industry Classifications | Find the statistical industry classification number for your business

Business Information by Sector | Obtain a wide range of Canadian statistics on manufacturing, resource, service, technology and other industries.

Small Business Profiles | Determine how the average company in your specific industry is performing.

Imports and Exports | Track how much of your goods or services are currently imported and exported

Manufacturing Statistics | Obtain a wide range of statistics on manufacturing industries in Canada

Small Business Profiles | Determine how the average company in your specific industry is performing.

Industry Bench Marking | Compare your estimates for sales and expenses to other companies in the industry.

Imports and Exports | Track how much of your goods or services are currently imported and exported

Household Spending | Look at the how much Canadians are spending on goods and services

The Competition | Find out who your competitors are and where they are located

Population Projection - Newfoundland and Labrador | See what changes are anticipated in population for Newfoundland and Labrador

Population Projections - Canada | See what changes are anticipated in population for Canada

Community Profiles | Obtain demographic, education, income and household statistics by community

Labour Supply / Costs | Obtain the labour rates and estimated availability of labour by occupational group

See our Links section for additional sources of Statistics.

Industry Classifications

Statistics Canada organizes most of its business information along industry classification lines. From dairy farms to wine makers to trucking companies, every type of business falls into an industrial classification - based on a company's main line of business.

Historically, Statistics Canada has used a Standard Industrial Classification system (SIC codes). Since 1997, the North American Industry Classification System codes (NAICS codes) is used.

Information Sources:
Go to Statistics Canada

Click on "NAICS 2002" (2007 data is not available yet)

Click on "Standard Classification"

EITHER click on the 2-digit code to narrow in on your type of business, OR click on "Search NAICS" and, in the search box, type in the product or service you are interested in (e.g. "children's clothing" or "day care", jam, etc.)

Press <ENTER> or click on "Search"