Canadian Aboriginal Business Canada
A Meeting Place for BC’s Aboriginal Entrepreneurs

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The term Aboriginal throughout this website includes all persons of aboriginal descent including; First Nations Status Indians, Non-Status Indians, Treaty Indians, Metis, and Inuit. 



Who Can Help?

Aboriginal Business Resource Directory

Best web sites


Sector Guides

Sample business plans

Financing Your Business
Aboriginal Partners
Ask Us

First Nation Contacts




Small Business Profile

BC Aboriginal Entrepreneurs: A Growing Force
(large file - 1.8meg)
    pdf format
    Word Format

Developing an Idea

On Reserve Taxes




Launching a Business

Growing a Business

Aboriginal Joint Ventures

Leasing Reserve Land

Network or ask advice in the Discussion Forum

firstbusiness Contact Info

Aboriginal Youth Business Partnership with REDWay BC


ISP Opportunity:
On April 7, 2005, the Government of BC, TELUS, and local health regions, schools and crown corporations delivered the first of its kind agreement to bridge the digital by connecting communities, and creating new health care, education, and economic development opportunities in the province and creating a unique Internet Service Provider Opportunity for approximately 30 First Nations in BC.  Click here to launch the Connecting Communities presentation.

Connecting B.C. Communities Handbook for Local and Regional Internet Service Provider Applicants. - View Information

For information on this opportunity and how to apply, information and tools visit:

Tools and Resources for Internet Communications
Technology Opportunities for First Nations - View Information

Aboriginal Employment Partnership Initiative
Employment and Contract Opportunities - View Information

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Canada/BC Business Services Society, 2003 | Disclaimer | Terminology | Credits