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The Internet can be an efficient and effective way to market your business and expand your reach to a global market. For marketing basics refer to Session 2.

Marketing Online

Marketing Online is another mechanism that can be used to complement existing marketing strategies for your business. One of the unique features of online marketing is the potential for interaction with clients; this is done with the help of tools such as email, feedback forms, discussion groups etc.

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Web Page Design

Your Web page design should reflect the goal(s) of your site. For example, is your site going to be purely informational or educational or is it going to be used for sales? A Web site aimed at sales would require a different design than one which is designed solely for information or education purposes. As well, you need to think about the costs associated with designing, developing and maintaining a Web site, then selecting a Web master. The links below provide information in these key areas.

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Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, the process of modifying a Web page to improve it's ranking within search engines, is one of several methods that can be used to market your Web site and to attract potential visitors and/or customers. Key resources for information on how to optimize a Web page and/or Web site, link popularity and submitting your site to search engines are outlined below:

  • Ebiz.enable: Search Engines and Directories Provides information on how you can gain exposure for your site on the Internet by registering your site with all of the major search engines and directories.
  • Search Engine Guide Features a directory of thousands of specialty search engines, daily news about search engines and the search engine industry, and information on using search engines to market your Web site.
  • Search Engine Watch Offers information about the search engine optimization process and the internal workings of major search engines and directories.

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