Government of Manitoba

Aboriginal Business Plan Competition

The 2007 Aboriginal Business Plan Competition is now closed. Winners will be announced in the upcoming months.

2006 Winners

Adult Category

Youth Category

  • Stephanie Kent of Argyle Alternative High School in Winnipeg for Heaven B. Laundromat
  • Autumn Beardy, Jessica Harper, Cheryl Manoakeesick and Wynonna Stagg of Children of the Earth High School in Winnipeg for Aboriginal Odyssey Travel
  • Jamie Throop of Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre in Norway House for Jamie's House of Ribs
  • Matthew Brass Belanger and Chillion Flett of Children of the Earth High School in Winnipeg for Sacred Voices
  • Mel Johnson School in Wabowden in recognition of the school's level of participation

2007 Sponsors

Sponsorship Opportunity (PDF file)

manitoba hydro logo

Community Futures Manitoba


Community Futures Manitoba

Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre

Junior Achievement