Welcome to AYBC
Welcome to the AYBC!

Aboriginal Youth Business Council is a volunteer run, non-profit, youth-driven council of First Nation, Metis, & Inuit entrepreneurs. We are a grass roots organization and we created this site as a resource for other youth to learn about business. That's why we're here. This site is made possible by the efforts of volunteers and through financial support from Aboriginal Business Canada.

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January 2001 Update: CYBF assists in the development of a new
Aboriginal Youth Business Organization!

The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (http://www.cybf.ca/), in partnership with Aboriginal Business Canada (http://www.abc.gc.ca/), and with the assistance of a newly appointed Aboriginal Advisory Board, is working on a business plan that builds on the work started by the Aboriginal Youth Business Council, to establish a national organization that meets the needs of young Aboriginal entrepreneurs. Crane Aboriginal Management Services, an Aboriginal youth consulting firm, is hard at work putting together a business plan and financials. Check back in the next few months for a full report and watch for updates on our site. In the meantime you can email any questions to aybc@cybf.ca or call Mariette McGregor-Sutherland at (705) 254-6916.

Aboriginal Business Service Network
The Aboriginal Business Service Network is committed to providing the Aboriginal business community with a wide range of information on government services, programs and regulations that are relevant, up-to-date and accurate.

Aboriginal Canada Portal
The Aboriginal Canada Portal is your single window to Canadian Aboriginal on-line resources, contacts, information and government programs and services.

Aboriginal Resource Guide
The Canadian Banker's Association (CBA), with cooperation of DIAND has developed this user friendly tool, designed to aid Aboriginal people's search for information they require to develop or enhance administrative and financial skills in order to increase their capacity to successfully use the services of financial institutions. The "Resource Guide" is a database containing information and programs related to the above mentioned objective. It is organized under the following categories: Training, Business Plan, Sources of Funds, Business Environment and Help with Running Your Business.

National Aboriginal Capital Corporation Association

Assisting Aboriginal Financial Institutions (AFIs) to promote the growth of Aboriginal business. Has directory of AFIs

First Nations Bank of Canada
First Nations Bank of Canada Micro Loan Program provides loans for small business startup or expansion in Western Canada. Individual loans allow for up to five years for repayment and range to a maximum of $25,000 with either fixed or floating rates available. First Nations Bank makes the final decision on all loan approvals.

Association d'affaires des premiers peoples
French language site that is "more than a Chamber of Commerce"