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Growing Your Business

Thinking of Starting a Business Starting a Business Growing Your Business Exiting from Your Business

If you have been operating a successful business and feel that you have moved beyond the start-up phase, it may be time to consider how to grow your business.


Promoting your company and its products and services is important for growing your business beyond its current client base. If done properly, marketing builds brand recognition and informs potential consumers of what you are selling, why they should buy it, and why they should buy it from you.

Read more about advertising your product or service in our e-newsletter From Information to Business or use our Marketing Plan Outline.


Deciding to export is a serious step towards the growth of your business. It requires careful market research and planning to assess the risks and benefits of taking your product or service to new markets.

To learn more about export counselling, financing, regulations, and sources of trade information, refer to our Exporting Info-Guide.

If you are exporting a service, use Export Your Services…Take a World View! to develop your market strategies.

Looking to talk to an expert about your export needs? Trade Team Nova Scotia has a team of trade experts and offers other services such as trade counselling, market intelligence, financial assistance, and in-market support.


Many new businesses are run by one individual. Hiring or subcontracting may be an effective way to manage the growth of your business, but a number of regulations and issues should be examined first. These are outlined in our Employment and Training Info-Guide. This Guide also lists wage subsidy and government training programs.


Franchising provides business owners with a method of expansion funded primarily by others, and can result in a significant source of revenue for a business with a brand or concept to franchise. That said, franchising as a method of expansion should be done well, or not at all. Read more about franchising in our e-newsletter From Information to Business, where you’ll learn tips from our Business Information Officers and Daniel F. So, a lawyer who specializes in franchising.

You can also learn more about franchising on the Small Business-Start Up Assistant.

Resources for Managing a Growing Business

Management is an area that can often be improved, particularly for a growing business. The following documents will provide you with some general information on a variety of business management issues. It is also important to consider various consulting services and other outside help to improve the management of your business.

Managing for Business Success

Provides practical links and references to Web sites that offer owners and managers of small and medium businesses with insights and information that can help you resolve a management challenge with 'just-in-time' solution to help them run their business more successfully.

Steps to Competitiveness

An electronic information product developed to enhance the competitiveness of service firms through the online presentation of business and management information, including self-assessment tools.

Expansion of Your Home-Based Business

This fact sheet briefly identifies some of the issues that you should be considering on both the upside and the downside if you are considering expanding your home-based business.

Performance Plus

This tool is designed for small business and for people preparing business plans. It enables them to benchmark their businesses against their peers and plan their operations objectively.

Other Management Resources

Bad Cheque Control

Attacking Business Decision Problems with Breakeven Analysis

Conducting Effective Meetings

Developing New Accounts

Innovation Management Toolkit

Setting the Right Price

Problems in Managing a Family-Owned Business