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  • Business Start-up in PEI

    The following Info-Guide on Business Start Up is designed to help you navigate through some of the most common Federal and Provincial government assistance programs available to individuals in PEI wishing to get information on starting a business.

  • Online Small Business Workshop

    The Online Small Business Workshop (OSBW) is a Web-based workshop designed to provide you with techniques for developing your business idea, starting a new venture and improving your existing small business.

  • Business Start-Up Assistant

    The following Info-Guide on Business Start Up is designed to help you navigate through some of the most common Federal and Provincial government assistance programs available to individuals in PEI wishing to get information on starting a business.

  • Business Plan Guide

    This fact sheet is intended to assist an entrepreneur in writing a business plan for the establishment, the purchase or the expansion of an existing business.

  • Dealing With Your Banker & Other Lenders

    This fact sheet offers suggestions on how to develop good relationships with your banker and other lenders.

  • Legal Issues in Starting a Business

    This fact sheet deals with legal issues in starting a business.

  • Setting the Right Price

    This fact sheet highlights issues to be considered when establishing the markup on a product.

  • Guide to Market Research and Analysis

    This fact sheet provides information on market research and analysis.

  • Advertising Do’s and Don’ts

    This fact sheet describes the do's and don'ts of advertising.

  • Forms of Business Organization

    This fact sheet provides a brief description of the four types of businesses and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

  • Ways to Promote Your Product or Service

    This fact sheet describes brief examples of ways to promote your product or service from the various print and electronic media.

  • Basic Bookkeeping

    This fact sheet describes a simple, single entry bookkeeping system suitable for a small business that has a limited number of transactions.

  • Store Location - "Little Things" Mean a Lot

    This fact sheet takes up site selection criteria and offers questions the retailer must ask before making the choice of store location.

  • Naming Your Business

    This fact sheet gives a list of items to consider when naming your business.

  • InfoPEI – Registering Your Business

    Steps for business name registration in Prince Edward Island.

The documents on these pages are listed as the most relevant and often used references by entrepreneurs. However, we have a lot more to offer with over 1,000 documents at your disposal! Click on the search link to find what you’re looking for!