Symbol of the Government of Canada

About Us

What is the Aboriginal Business Service Network?
Aboriginal entrepreneurs need information and resources to improve their access to capital and to establish or develop their businesses. Therefore, under the Aboriginal Business Service Network (ABSN), $6.4 million will be invested over four years to address these needs. This network is being established, using information and Internet technologies, where possible, to provide a range of business products and services.

The ABSN builds on the structure of existing Canada Business Service Centres (CBSC) located across the country which provide free-of-charge access to government information on business programs, services and regulations. These resources are tailored to meet unique requirements of Aboriginal clients. For more information on or locations of the CBSCs please visit the Web site at

How are the services delivered?
The CBSCs deliver services through five different modes:

Telephone:  Call our toll-free telecentres and speak to a trained business information officer who will direct you to the best sources of information or refer you to programs and services relevant to your business situation. Some Centres have optional recorded answers to frequently asked questions to speed up service.

The Web:  ( The CBSC's Web site contains information on programs, services and selected regulations of participating federal and provincial agencies. The Web site is continually updated with new material and useful links to other Web sites.

E-mail:  You can also send us your questions via e-mail from the Web site.

In Person:  The CBSCs offer an extensive collection of business-related publications, directories, leading-edge business products (e.g., videos, CD-ROMs) and access to external databases. Business clients can use these materials on their own or with the help of a trained business information officer. The CBSCs have arrangements with existing business service organizations in commununities across Canada to provide CBSC information. Contact the CBSC in your region for the location nearest you.

The ABSN is one element of the Aboriginal Business Development Initiative.

What is the Aboriginal Business Development Initiative?
The Aboriginal Business Development Initiative is a partnership among Aboriginal financial and business organizations (including Aboriginal Capital Corporations, Aboriginal Community Futures Development Corporations, and the National Aboriginal Capital Corporation Association), and federal organizations including: Industry Canada through Aboriginal Business Canada, the Canada Business Service Centres, FedNor, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Canada Economic Development - Quebec, Western Economic Diversification Canada and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. The Aboriginal Business Development Initiative with its three tier approach will improve access to capital, create an Aboriginal Business Service Network and enhance the delivery of existing business support programs to Aboriginal entrepreneurs and organizations.