Corporate Profile


däna Näye Ventures was established as a financial institution in 1985 with a goal of having a positive impact on the economic advancement of Yukon Aboriginal people and the development of their communities.

Elaine Chambers helping a customer at her desk.

The company provides developmental financing assistance and business services to small and medium sized entrepreneurs, both Aboriginal and non Aboriginal in Yukon and the northern British Columbia communities of Atlin, Good Hope Lake and Lower Post. Services go beyond simply lending money. The focus is on developing people as a key resource for building successful business enterprises. We continually strive to improve our services and maintain our position as one of the top-ranked Aboriginal Financial Institutions in Canada.

däna Näye Ventures is a sister company of the Yukon Indian Development Corporation. YIDC was created in 1982 to spearhead economic development and business initiatives on behalf of all Yukon First Nations.

däna Näye Ventures is federally incorporated as a not-for-profit organization and is self-administering. Three lifetime members hold the shares in trust on behalf of all Yukon First Nations.

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Coporate Roster

Board of Directors
Members Directors Chair
Linch Curry May Brodhagen Louise Clethero
David Joe Richard (Dick) Dickson
Pearl Keenan Helen Holway
Sandy Trerice
Stephen Walsh

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Corporate Strategy

Since 1985, DNV has been providing financial assistance and business services to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal business enterprises and entrepreneurs. DNV operates throughout the Yukon and in the northern British Columbia communities of Atlin, Good Hope Lake and Lower Post.

Our Vision

däna Näye Ventures is a Yukon based, Aboriginal controlled institution that encourages business development by providing developmental finance and business training to entrepeneurs.

Our Mission

däna Näye Ventures will continue to be a dynamic, self-sufficient institution that assists Yukon and Northern British Columbia people and communities in becoming self-reliant. däna Näye Ventures values and works toward the preservation of the environment and emphasizes respect for cultural and social values while developing people as the key resource for building successful business.

Our Core Values

däna Näye Ventures strives to bring out the best in our employees so they in turn provide excellent customer service. We value:

  • Teamwork
  • Service Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Professional Development

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