Symbol of the Government of Canada

Exporting Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2005-11-30

The Exporting Info-Guide is a document designed to introduce the available federal and territorial government products and services available to individuals thinking of starting an export business. The selected items provide a helpful overview of the programs, services and regulations in a related area. This blended product of both federal and territorial information is developed to answer a growing demand for strategic information by business people.


1. Training and Export Counselling
1.1 Forum for International Trade Training
1.2 Export USA
1.3 New Exporters to Overseas (NEXOS)
1.4 Consulting Group
1.5 International Trade Canada (Regional Offices)
1.6 Agri-Food Trade Service

2. Export Financing
2.1 Export Development Canada
2.2 Progress Payment Program - Export Assistance
2.3 Export Contracting Services to Canadian Suppliers and Foreign Buyers
2.4 Financing for Exporting

3. Sources of Trade Information
3.1 Team Canada Inc 1-888-811-1119 - Export Information Service
3.2 Enquiries Service

4. Trade Information Products - Web Sites
4.1 Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting
4.2 ExportSource
4.3 Strategis
4.4 International Business Opportunities Centre
4.5 Take a World View. Export Your Services!
4.6 Export Readiness Diagnostic
4.7 Roadmap to Exporting
4.8 Businesswomen in Trade
4.9 ATA Carnet
4.10 Interactive Export Planner

5. Trade Information Products - Sourcing Products
5.1 Virtual Trade Commissioner (VTC)
5.2 Canadian Company Capabilities

6. Trade Information Products - Statistical Products
6.1 Trade Data and Statistics
6.2 Trade Data Online

7. Regulations
7.1 Business Number - Importer/Exporter Account Number
7.2 Automated Customs Information Service (ACIS)
7.3 Reporting of Exports
7.4 Exports of Prohibited and Controlled Goods
7.5 Export Permits
7.6 Administrative Monetary Penalty System

1. Training and Export Counselling

1.1 Forum for International Trade Training (FITT)
FITT is a national, non profit and professional organization, founded in 1992 by industry and government to develop and deliver international trade training programs and services, establish country-wide standards and certification, and generally ensure continuing professional development in the practice of international trade. FITT provides interested exporters with the training and skills necessary to compete in the international market. FITT programs and workshops are delivered through a national network of training providers, comprised of community colleges, universities, private organizations and government partners.

For further information, see the document FITT (Forum for International Trade Training), call 1-800-561-3488 or visit the web site

1.2 ExportUSA - International Trade Canada (ITCan)
ExportUSA consists of three programs:

  • New Exporters to Border States Program (NEBS) is a key export education tool offered by trade offices in the U.S. that targets Canadian companies not yet exporting to the United States. NEBS provides companies with vital practical orientation by introducing them to the essentials of exporting as well as by giving them first-hand exposure to markets located in U.S. border states.
  • Exporters to the United States program (EXTUS) is a program similar to NEBS that serves Canadian companies already exporting to the U.S. border states. Formerly known as NEBS Plus, EXTUS focuses on expanding the markets of successful Canadian exporters to other regions of the United States.
  • Reverse NEBS is a program that serves Canadian companies not yet exporting to the United States by providing informative seminars in Canada on the essentials of exporting.

For further information, see the document ExportUSA, call the International Trade Centre (Vancouver) at (604) 666-0434 or visit the Web site

For a listing of upcoming missions to the United States and seminars in Canada on how to export to the United States, visit the Web site

1.3 New Exporters to Overseas (NEXOS) - International Trade Canada (ITCan)
NEXOS exposes exporters to markets in Europe. These special missions assist NEXOS participants to decide whether, and how, to pursue European markets by participating in an educational trade mission. The program emphasizes information in areas such as customs procedures, market access, shipping, labelling, distribution channels and currency regulations. NEXOS missions are arranged for groups of companies in the same general sector. The cost of the mission is shared with participants.

For further information, see the document ARCHIVE - New Exporters to Overseas - NEXOS, call the International Trade Centre (Vancouver) at (604) 666-0434, or visit the Web site

1.4 Consulting Group - Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) provides customized consulting solutions to meet the complex challenges faced by today's Canadian entrepreneurs. An export specialist from BDC's Consulting Group can help your business become export-savvy: assess global opportunities, increase your production capacity, establish international trade contacts and distribution, and conform to international regulations.

For more information, please call the BDC at 1-888-463-6232, see the document BDC Consulting or visit the Web site

1.5 International Trade Canada (Regional Offices) - International Trade Canada - ITCan
In partnership with the Regional Trade Network, the regional offices (ROs) of International Trade Canada (ITCan) can help direct you to the existing products and services that relate to your particular exporting needs. The ROs provide services to Canadian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that have demonstrated a strong commitment to opening a new export market or further developing an existing one.

For information on a full range of trade development services, see the document zARCHIVE - International Trade Canada (Regional Offices) or visit the Web site at

1.6 Agri-Food Trade Service - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
The Agri-Food Trade Service provides a prominent focal point for Canadian agri-food exporters, simplified access to international market information/intelligence, trade and investment counselling and advice, and export support programs.

For further information, see the document Agri-Food Trade Service (ATS), call Team Canada Inc's Export Information Service at 1-888-811-1119 or visit the Web site

2. Export Financing

2.1 Export Development Canada

Export Development Canada (EDC) has assembled a team of specialists to work with smaller exporters. EDC offers a range of products and service to exporters, including:
  • risk management;
  • working capital;
  • accounts receivable insurance;
  • buyer financing;
  • bonding and guarantees; and
  • online services.

For more information, please contact a front-line decision maker at EDC's Emerging Exporters Team by dialing toll-free 1-800-850-9626, from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (or 9 to 5 your time). You may also see the documents Export Development Canada Online Services, Accounts Receivable Insurance, and Working Capital Solutions or visit the Web site

2.2 Progress Payment Program - Export Assistance - Canadian Commercial Corporation
The Progress Payment Program (PPP) is designed to assist small Canadian exporters that have insufficient working capital to undertake specific export contracts. Through PPP, the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) facilitates access to commercial sources of pre-shipment financing to provide working capital for their export contract. CCC helps put the power of Canada behind export sales.

For more information, please call 1-800-748-8191, see the document ARCHIVE - Progress Payment Program or visit the Web site at

2.3 Export Contracting Services to Canadian Suppliers and Foreign Buyers - Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC)
The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) offers Canadian companies a range of export contracting services that support business growth through exports. These services help Canadian exporters close sales on the best possible terms and conditions, including waived performance bonds and advanced payment guarantees, in markets around the world.

For further information on the program, see the document International Prime Contractor Service, call 1-800-748-8191 or visit the Web site

2.4 Financing for Exporting - Business Development Bank of Canada
Boost your sales, increase your profits, and explore your exporting potential with BDC's financial solutions for current or potential exporters.

For more information, please contact the BDC at 1-888-463-6232 or visit the Web site

3. Soures of Trade Information

3.1 Team Canada Inc 1-888 Export Information Service
The objective of the 1-888-811-1119 Export Information Service is to connect Team Canada Inc clients to the full range of government export programs, services and expertise. The 1-888 service is delivered by the 13 Canada Business Service Centres (CBSC) across Canada on behalf of Team Canada Inc. Each call to the 1-888 line is automatically routed to the client's local CBSC and answered by a trained information officer. While general export information is provided directly, clients who require more expert advice or export counselling are referred onwards to the appropriate domestic export development service.

For more information, please call Team Canada Inc at 1-888-811-1119, see the document ARCHIVE - Team Canada Inc or visit the ExportSource Web site at

3.2 Enquiries Service - International Trade Canada (ITCan)
The Enquiries Service of International Trade Canada provides general information and publications on trade, foreign policy and consular services.

For more information, please call 1-800-267-8376, see the document Enquiries Service of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, visit the Web site or e-mail

4. Trade Information Products - Web Sites

4.1 Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting - Team Canada Inc.
The Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting is designed to give you an understanding of the realities of exporting and to provide you with solid, straightforward information on how to assess your export capabilities. It also steers you through the process of planning and executing your first exporting venture.

For more information, please call toll-free at 1-888-811-1119, see the document Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting or visit the Web site

4.2 ExportSource - Team Canada Inc
ExportSource is Canada's most comprehensive online source of export information. ExportSource delivers information and tools designed to assist Canadian businesses in exporting abroad or expanding into new markets.  Through a single portal, visitors can access a wide variety of public and private sector sources of export information.

For further information, see the document, call Team Canada Inc at 1-888-811-1119, or visit the ExportSource Web site

4.3 Strategis - Industry Canada
Strategis is Industry Canada's Web site of business and consumer information. It provides fast, accurate and value-added information aimed at small and medium entreprises (SMEs), as well as consumers. With Strategis, Canadian businesses have access to a vast array of management resources, perspectives and data that can help them further develop and expand markets, create alliances and find new clients. Consumers have access to interactive bank service charge and credit card cost calculators, and other useful information to help them become better informed citizens. Businesses and consumers who are not linked to the Internet can access Strategis through various Canada Business Service Centres - CBSC and community access points across the country.

For more information, please call 1-800-328-6189, e-mail the Help Desk at, see the document ARCHIVE - Strategis, visit the Web site at

4.4 International Business Opportunities Centre
The International Business Opportunities Centre (IBOC) matches business leads identified by Canadian Trade Commissioners abroad with the interests of capable Canadian firms, particularly small and medium enterprises.

For more information, see the document International Business Opportunities Centre (IBOC) or visit IBOC's Web site at

4.5 Export Your Services...Take A World View! - Industry Canada
Take a World View...Export Your Services, the MILLENNIUM EDITION is the information source on exporting which is designed primarily for service exporters. It features updated, streamlined and improved information to assist small and medium size service firms which are interested in exporting, to do so successfully.

For more information, see the document Export Your Services... Take a World View! or visit the Web site at

4.6 Export Readiness Diagnostic - Team Canada Inc
The Export Readiness Diagnostic is a tool to help businesses assess their export readiness and identify priorities as they prepare to enter foreign markets. For businesses that are currently exporting, the tool may assist in fine-tuning export strategies.

For more information, please see the document Export Diagnostic. The Export Readiness Diagnostic software can be downloaded free of charge from the Web site

4.7 Roadmap to Exporting - Team Canada Inc
The Roadmap to Exporting is a tool designed by Team Canada Inc to help exporters, in all stages of development, locate the best sources of export services.

For more information, please call toll-free at 1-888-811-1119, see the document Roadmap to Exporting or visit the Web site

4.8 Businesswomen in Trade - International Trade Canada (ITCan)
The Businesswomen in Trade Web site was developed by International Trade Canada (ITCan) for women entrepreneurs who lead small and medium enterprises to meet their special information and assistance needs that are relevant to exporting and export activities.

For more information, please see the document Businesswomen in Trade or visit the Web site at

4.9 ATA Carnet - Canadian Chamber of Commerce
The ATA Carnet is an international, unified customs document, which under a series of customs conventions, simplifies customs procedures for the temporary duty free admission of three main categories of goods traded internationally:

  • commercial samples;
  • goods for presentation or use at trade fairs, shows, exhibitions or similar events;
  • professional equipment.

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is the official issuing agent of ATA Carnets in Canada.

For more information, please see the document ATA Carnet or visit the Web site

4.10 Interactive Export Planner - Team Canada Inc
The Interactive Export Planner (IEP) is a computer software program that uses the capabilities of the Internet to assist you in preparing an export plan or an export-focused business plan for a new or existing business. Visit the Web site

5. Trade Information Products - Sourcing Products

5.1 Virtual Trade Commissioner (VTC) - International Trade Canada (ITCan)
The Virtual Trade Commissioner (VTC) is your personal gateway to the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service. Over 30 000 qualified Canadian exporters of goods and services take advantage of this internal government database (formerly known as WIN Exports). The VTC provides your company with access to market information, international business opportunities, and much more. Registration to the VTC is free.

For more information, please see the document ARCHIVE - Virtual Trade Commissioner - VTC or visit the Web site

5.2 Canadian Company Capabilities - Industry Canada
Canadian Company Capabilities (CCC) is an online database which profiles approximately 50 000 Canadian companies. It offers free registration to Canadian companies and is available globally through Strategis, Industry Canada's Web site. This database contains vital company information that can be searched to locate Canadian suppliers and distribution channels, to determine competition, to form partnerships and to uncover export ventures.

For further information, see the document Canadian Company Capabilities, call 1-800-328-6189 or visit the Web site

6. Trade Information Products - Statistical Products

6.1 Trade Data and Statistics - Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada maintains records related to sales, inventories and operating data for retail and wholesale businesses and the number and value of new motor vehicles sold in Canada. Statistics Canada also maintains detailed trade date by commodity or industry and records related to exports and imports on a customs basis.

For more information, please call 1-800-263-1136, see the document Trade Data and Statistics or visit Statistics Canada's Web site at

6.2 Trade Data Online - Industry Canada
Trade Data Online provides detailed information on Canadian and U.S. imports, exports and trade balances - in terms of dollars or percentages - with 200 countries for over 5,000 commodities (by HS codes) for the latest ten complete years and the current year to date. Monthly details are also available for the last two years. In a separate module, information is available on the imports, exports, trade balances, manufacturing shipments, apparent domestic markets and export intensities of Canadian industries (by NAICS and SIC codes).

For more information, please call 1-800-328-6189, see the document Trade Data Online or visit the Web site at

7. Regulations

7.1 Business Number - Importer/Exporter Account Number - Canada Revenue Agency
There is a registration process for businesses involved in import/export activities. The Business Number - (BN) is a numbering system used to identify clients that transact business with Canada Border Services Agency (ASFC). The BN provides businesses with a unique number to identify them and their accounts.

For further information see the document Importer/Exporter Account Number, call 867-667-8154 or visit the Web site

7.2 Automated Customs Information Service (ACIS) - Canada Border Services Agency
The Automated Customs Information Service (ACIS) is a computerized, 24-hour telephone service that automatically answers all incoming calls and provides general customs information. With the help of a touch-tone telephone, clients can hear recorded information. If you are calling during office hours and need additional information on a particular topic, you can press "0" to speak to an agent.

For further information, see the document Border Information Service - BIS, call 1-800-461-9999 or visit the Web site

7.3 Reporting of Exports - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
It is extremely important for exporters to report all export transactions and for the information they provide to be complete and accurate. Failure to ensure that these requirements are met may result in the application of AMPS penalties.

For more information on the reporting of exports, please call 1-800-461-9999, communicate with the nearest CBSA Customs Offices - Supplement, see the document Reporting of Exports or visit the Web site

7.4 Exports of Prohibited and Controlled Goods - Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) assists other federal government departments/agencies by administering and enforcing legislation and regulations of those departments/agencies. In certain cases, this ensures that prohibited and controlled goods are not illegally imported into, or exported out of, the country.

For further information, call 1-800-461-9999, see the document Requirements for Imports and Exports of Prohibited and Controlled Goods, visit Canada Border Services Agency Web site at for a list of federal departments and the goods they control.

7.5 Export Permits - International Trade Canada (ITCan)
Under the Export and Import Permits Act, some goods, and some destinations of goods, require that an exporter first receive a Federal export permit from International Trade Canada (ITCan) before the goods are exported. This Act also brings into force provisions of various trade agreements and commitments that Canada has entered into with other countries.

For more information, please call the Export Controls Division of the ITCan at 1-800-267-8376, fax your request to (613) 996-9933, see the document Export Permits or visit the Web site at

7.6 Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) - Canada Border Services Agency
The Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) is a civil penalty regime that authorizes the CBSA to assess graduated monetary penalties for infractions of Customs legislation.

For more information, see the document Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) or visit CBSA's Web site at

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

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Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.