Symbol of the Government of Canada

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a business license?
There are many licenses for different types of business in Prince Edward Island. Search the Prince Edward Island website to find out if your business will require special permits. Additionally, some municipalities also have licenses for specific types of business. Phone and ask the different municipalities if you require a permit to conduct business in that area.
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Is there any financial assistance to start or expand my business?
One of the most popular requests is for information on Government Grants! "Are there any grants for my Small Business?" Well... the answer is "maybe!" Government terminology varies in that some programs are called grants, some are called contributions, some refer to subsides, etc. The most important thing to know is that "grant" programs do exist, HOWEVER, they usually have very specific criteria, and are targeted to a very specific client. Therefore, you have to determine if the program is appropriate for your business. Remember that the word grant is rarely used in government program descriptions.
Go to the Financing section or search for Government Programs and Services for information on the available programs for your type of business.

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I will be hiring employees -- is there a checklist of what I need to do?
Contact the following organizations:

  • Canada Customs & Revenue Agency (1-800-959-5525) for Business Number and Payroll Deductions information, or visit their web site for guides:
  • The Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island (1-800-237-5049) if hiring more than 3 employees, or visit their web site The Prince Edward Island , the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs - Labour and Industrial Relations (1-902-368-5550) for information on minimum wage rates, hours of work, overtime & vacation pay, and the Occupational Health & Safety Division (1-800-237-5049) for health & safety requirements or visit their web site.
  • The Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission for a Human Rights Guide, or call the office at 1-800-237-5031.

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How do I protect my invention? Do I really need to protect it?
Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Industrial Design and Integrated Circuit Topographies are all forms of Intellectual Property. Contact the Intellectual Property Specialists, one of our on-site partners who can answer questions on intellectual property matters or go to their web site.
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What should I know before I buy an existing business?
The key to successfully purchasing a business is to fully investigate before you commit yourself. Buying a Businessprovides some points to consider on costs, profits, liabilities, purchase agreement, and determining the price or value of a business.
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Can you help me find a supplier / wholesaler / manufacturer for a specific product?
The Canada/Prince Edward Island Business Service Centre, has at its fingertips multiple databases and directories which can provide you with supplier information for Canada, US, and International companies. This information can be searched by company name and/or product description, and geographical location.
Refer to our Links section for lists of available databases of suppliers on-line.
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How do I get information on government tendering procedures?
Information on federal government contracts of less than $25,000 can be obtained from Contracts Canada.
Contracts in excess $1500 from the provincial government and contracts in excess of $25,000 from the federal, provincial and municipal governments, as well as hundreds of universities, hospitals and school boards, can be obtained from the MERX website.
Information on Aboriginal Business and government contracting can be found at the website for The Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business.
Procurement opportunities over $1500 for the Government of Prince Edward Island can be found soley on the MERX online bidding system. Contracts below this amount and time sensitive contracts are sourceed through previous simial contract suppliers.
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Do I need a licence to play music in my store or restaurant?
Performances of music in public, i.e. restaurants, stores, clubs, hotels, dance halls, offices, etc. require a license. This license is necessary whether the music is performed live or by recorded means. For more information, contact SOCAN (Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada at 1-800-707-6226 or visit their web site
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