
The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

The Diving industry is, for the most part, a self-governing operation. The Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) governs the quality of the instruction that the general public is receiving, promotes a set of safe diving practices, and sets minimum standards for each level of diver training.

The Recreational Scuba Training Council of Canada endorses all of the standard that are considered acceptable throughout the diving industry. This Council maintains an Accident/Incident reporting data bank to monitor accidents/incidents throughout Canada in an effort to offset similar occurrences in the future.

Standards pertaining to the air that is compressed into the divers' cylinders and compressors are also in place. Air is sampled and tested at regular intervals. Another regulation exists that prevents non divers from securing air; unless a person presents Personal Identification Certification (issued by PADI), no air can be obtained from any dive store operation in Canada.

Primary Contacts:


The World Recreational Scuba Training Council (WRSTC)

Verified: July 2007