Door to Door Sales

The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

Business Practices & Consumer Protection Act:

The Business Practices and Consumer Protection Agency is a not-for-profit organization which operates at an arm's length from Government. On July 4, 2004, the Authority assumed responsibility for the oversight of business practices and consumer protection in British Columbia, functions previously performed by the Consumer Services Division of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.

The Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act consolidates six consumer statutes. It provides clearer and
consistent language and reduces overlap. For example, the previous acts had six different definitions of deceptive
business practices. The new act has one definition. The act also better protects consumers by standardizing contract
terms, clarifying cancellation rights, and ensuring that penalties for infractions are applied consistently across industries.
The new areas of consumer law, like internet sales, have also been addressed to harmonize with other Canadian jurisdictions.

For more details please contact;

Primary Contact:

Business Practices and Consumer Protection Authority
PO Box 9244,
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J2
Tel: (250) 320-1667 Toll Free: 1-888-564-9963
Fax: (250) 920-7181

Verified: July 2007