Mail Order

The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

Mail Order business must comply with all consumer protection laws. Deceptive advertising and other dishonest business practices are investigated by the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Authority of BC (BPCPA).

Business Practices and Consumer Protection Authority Act:

The Business Practices and Consumer Protection Authority Act established the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Authority as a not for profit corporation without share capital and consisting of a board of directors. It provides for the governance of the Authority.

The Authority operates at arm's length from government and is responsible for a range of licensing, inspection, investigation and enforcement activities, overseeing functions that used to be carried out by the Consumer Services Division of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.

The Act states that the purposes of the Authority are:
-to deliver consumer protection services throughout British Columbia ,
-to promote fairness and understanding in the marketplace and
-to administer in the public interest any Act, the administration of which is delegated to the Authority.

Sale of Goods Act:

Under this Act, sellers of new goods are considered to be providing a warranty of reasonable quality. The seller is responsible for either repairing or replacing the defective goods; this is in addition to any manufacturer's warranty that may exist on the good. Practice has shown that it is easier to claim against the retailer. The retailer in turn can claim against the manufacturer.

The sale of goods act inclueds four implied terms or "conditions" surrounding the sale of an item. The goods:
-must match the description or the sample
-must be reasonably fit for your purpose for them
-must be of merchantable quality
-must last for a reasonable time

Primary Contact:

PO Box 9244
Victoria, BC V8W 9J2
Tel: 604 320-1667
Toll Free: 1 888 564-9963
Fax: 250 920-7181

Verified: August 2007