Mineral Claims/Mining

The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

There are numerous acts and regulations from several ministries that affect the mining industry. FrontCounterBC was created to streamline the application process and education in natural resource industries.



FrontCounter BC is a single window service for clients of provincial natural resource ministries and agencies.
At FrontCounter BC offices across the province, natural resource clients obtain all the information and authorizations they need to start or expand a business.

Contact FrontCounterBC for further information on regulations and applications.

Primary Contact

Find a local FronCounterBC office at
or call 1-877-855-3222 (toll free)

Ministries Involved in Mining Applications:

-The Ministry of Energy Mines and Petroleum Resources

-Mineral Titles Branch

-Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

Verified: August 2007