Ambulance Service

The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

Health Emergency Act:

1) This Act governs emergency health care in the province. The Emergency Health Services Commission was established under this Act and it is this commission that operates the British Columbia Ambulance Service.

2) This Act also establishes the Emergency Medical Assistants (EMAs) Licensing Board. The Board is responsible for regulating EMAs.

This Act also provides for the licensing of those agencies that provide medical transport.

Primary Contact:

Ministry of Health
The British Columbia Ambulance Service
PO Box 9600 Stn Prov Govt,
Victoria BC V8W 9P1

Location: 2261 Keating Cross Road - Block B, V8M 2A5
Tel: (250) 953-3298
Fax: (250) 953-3119

Verified: July 2007