Driving Schools

The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

Motor Vehicle Act (MVA Regulations - Division 27):

Driver Training School Licensing:
British Columbia Driver Training Schools must hold a valid Driver Training School Licence in order to provide driver education to the paying public. These licences are issued by ICBC's Driver Training & Assessment Standards for a period of 1 year less a day and must be renewed upon expiry.
A "driver training school" means a person or organization that provides to individuals a program of training or education in driving or operating motor vehicles, in expectation of compensation from those individuals, but does not include
(a) a person or organization that provides instruction for off-highway, racetrack or closed circuit driving,
(b) a person who, as an employee, provides this instruction to other employees of the same employer, or
(c) a person who, under contract to an employer, provides this instruction to employees of the employer
Driver Training Schools are legislated under Division 27 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations of British Columbia.

Instructor Licensing:
All driving school instructors within British Columbia, must hold a valid Driver Training Instructor's Licence to offer driver training to the paying public. These licences are issued by Driver Training & Assessment Standards for a period of two years less a day and must be renewed upon expiry.
An instructor must meet a number of prerequisites including the successful completion of an instructor training course at a certified Instructor Training Facility. These requirements are legislated under 27.07(1) of Division 27of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations.
A "driver training instructor" means a person who teaches the driving or operation of a motor vehicle, but does not include a person who provides this instruction
(a) without expectation of compensation or other consideration,
(b) for off-highway, racetrack or closed circuit driving, or
(c) as an employee to other employees of the same employer
Driver Training Instructors are legislated under Division 27 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations of British Columbia.

Driving School Inspectors are legislated under Section 27.06(5) of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations and requires Driver Training Schools to permit ICBC to inspect their facilities, course delivery, student records and equipment (e.g., driver training vehicles).

Primary Contact:

Driver Training & Assessment Standards
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
P.O. Box 3750
Victoria, BC V8W 3Y5
Tel: (250) 978-8370
Toll Free (within BC) : 1-866-339-0363
Fax: (250) 978-8032
Website: http://www.dtcbc.com

Verified: July 2007